You Posted What?

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Hey guys I know it's a little early to be updating this because the episode hasn't premired yet but I watched it online so I just had to update! And the link to the episode is in my status update so watch that before you read this and to me this is a record cuz

I sat down and typed up this in 4 hours so I feel super accomplished and on top of my game! Anyway I hope you guys enjoy it and don't forget to vote!😘👐💘 Love you my Bionic Besties💌😊💋


"Guys the rupture's getting worse." I said. "That's natural gas. We have to fix that thing or it will explode. You two go check the rest of the pipe lines for cracks." Chase said. "On it." Bree and I said at the same time before super speeding away. Then before you knew it we came back.

"Checked all 200 miles. 70 of which had poison oak." Bree said and I nodded while taking off the branches of poison oak from my hair and scratching my face. "Alright let's get out of here." Chase said. "Okay grab on." Bree and I said. "Actually I'm gonna take the bus.'' Chase said. "Mmm me too." Adam said before they both ran off and Bree and I followed.


"What's everybody looking at?" Bree asked reffering to the students looking down at their tablets in amusement. "A new viral video. Guess what it's called? The world's first bionic humans." Principal Perry said.

"What?" We all asked at the same time. "Wait there are other bionic people? Then why are we working so hard?" Adam asked and I rolled my eyes. "She's talking about us." Chase said. "Yeah look." Perry said while showing us the video. "That's yesterday's mission." Chase said. "Somebody filmed us." Bree said and I nodded.

"Your secrets out everyone's gonna know your bionic." Leo said. "Nevermind that now I can't blackmail Daddy Bigbucks anymore my train just went right off the tracks." Principal Perry complained.

"Everyones looking at us." Bree said while looking around. "Hey. Quit your staring, scram. So they're bionic get to class before they mow you down with their finger miscels." Perry said to the students scaring them off.

"How could this happen? What are we going to do?" I said panicking. "I don't know. We're in big trouble." Chase said. "Wait I know how we can fix this. We'll convince everyone the video was made with special effects. You know like those fake videos Adam's always watching." Leo said.

"So giant baby eats Tokyo is fake? I should've know where are they going to get a diaper that big?" Adam said. "Leo that might actually work." Chase said and I nodded in agreement.

"First we better go tell Mr. Davenport and Dani's parents." Bree said. "Wait is giant baby eats London fake too because I just sent 50 bucks to the victim's relief fund." Adam said and we walked away.


Mr. Davenport." Chase exclaimed as we walked in. "We just heard." Mr. Davenport said. "What are we going to do?" Tasha asked. "I say we sell Chase to the circus and use the money to start our new life." Adam said. "Big D I know how we can spin this." Leo said.

"No we're way past spinning Leo. That video is all over the news experts have verifed the footage wasn't manipulated." Douglas said turning on the tv and showing us the video. "People all over the world are freaking out." He continued.

"Of course they are they just saw Chase in a skin tight mission suit." Adam said and I clearly had no problem with Chase's mission suit. ;)

"Douglas's right this is way too big to spin." My dad said walking over to Mr. Davenport. "I can't believe this you guys are the biggest news story ever and I got scoped." Tasha complained and we shot her a look. "How could this happen?" Mr. Davenport asked looking at his tablet.

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