Chapter Two:《This Is So Clichè》

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Chapter Two : This is so clichè.

"Eric, Uh I-I wanted to ask for a favour." I said hesitantly playing with the hem of my black skirt to my boss Eric who was more like an elder brother to me.

"Mhmm" he replied still typing on his laptop.

"It's Ari's birthday next week so I was hoping if I could take a day off.." I said with my fingers crossed at my back.

"Well, I have a news for you. A good news. From tomorrow onwards I'm closing the cafe for the next month as I have to urgently visit my grandma. Her health condition isn't very good. But don't worry you would still get payed so just take your payment for the upcoming month before leaving." He said.

"Oh..that's..uh sad.And I can't take the money. Please. Also I hope your grandma get wells soon." I said giving him a small smile.

"Yeah.Just shut up take the money will you? Anyways I would need you to do some overtime. So no more arguments. Now get back to work." He said shooing me off.

Knowing the kind of attitude Eric had I refused to argue any further letting out a chuckle at his ways to treat me I went back to wait tables.

I worked in this cafe for the past two years and haven't been kicked out yet, because Eric understands my financial conditions. He has been a great support to me. Also he pays me according to per week rather than per month as I always need money in handy.

After completing my shift I change back into my clothes from earlier and head home.

Entering the house a sweet smell fills my nose. It smells like Apple pie. But mom doesn't bake then who...

"Sphene dear, our new neighbour Mrs. Martha Parker is here with her..uh..son." She said motioning towards a lady who must be in her early fifties sat on the sofa wearing a very elegant cream dress, which looked beautiful on her and expensive too.

She stood up on seeing me and came to me pulling me in for a brief hug and a side kiss.

"Hey darling, so nice to meet you. Your mother has been talking about you ever since we became friends." She said as if they were friends since ages.

"You both know each other?" I asked looking at her and then at my mother.

"No no, we just met an hour or so ago and you know, just clicked and became friends. It seems as if we've been knowing each other for a long though." She said laughing.

"Lets sit, shall we?" My mother asked.

"Uh..sure." I said.

We got seated in our small living room.

"I heard that you love eating pies so I phoned my son and told him to get some. He got Apple pie, I hope you'll like it." Mrs.Parker asked unsure of my answer.

"Yes, I-I love it. Thank you but it wasn't needed." I said honestly.

"That's what I said.." my mother told " the way her son is in the kitchen getting us a piece of the pie. Please could you go and check if he needs some assistance or help." My mother requested, actually ordered.

"Of course."

Getting up I went to the kitchen and the first thing I saw was a sticky note on the fridge.

It was by Ari and it said that she would be spending the day with her friends and would sleep over at her best friends house.

I sighed thinking how she was suffering without any reason. She would always stay over at her friends if things got out of hand. Though today it must've been just like this.

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