Chapter Three:《I never thought you would be a hot man with a dumb brain》

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Chapter Three : I never thought you would be a hot man with a dumb brain .

"Why are you so early?" I asked him narrowing my eyes at him trying to intimidate him. Then he would get scared and leave me alone.

Rhys has been calling me since I left his house (I have no idea from where he got my number.) And when I'm not even ready he decides to show up. We just bid goodbye at his house 20 minutes ago.

"My mom told me to come and help you pick an outfit. She was saying something about girls getting confused and then eventually making the guy wait longer. Woah, it sounds so weird as if..." He stopped and his widened. Well I already understood what he just realised.

" if we were going on a date. Right?" I asked giving him a fake smile.

He scratched his neck and looked away.

"Sooty about my mother. She thinks it's time I settle down for a girl." He said. For a second I thought I saw sadness in his expression.

"So what's the problem?" I said walking upstairs to my room and Rhys following me.

"I can't..." He said in a very low tone almost un-audible but I managed to hear.

But I didn't bother on pestering him about the reason.

He followed me to my bedroom and jumped on my bed.

"Who said you could sit on my bed?" I asked frowning at him.

"No one. I make my own choices and decisions. And I choose to sit on your bed." There was his utterly annoying self back.

I raised my hands up in the air in surrender rolling my eyes and turning to my closet.

When I opened it, it was almost empty. Already I had very less amount of clothes and now I had nothing I could wear outside. Most of my nice clothes were drying.

Seems as I have to borrow some from Ari. Thank God for giving me a sister in case of such crisis!

"I'll be back." I said not bothering to look at him and went to Ari 's room.

She was typing on her laptop.

"Hey. Ari could I borrow your clothes for today. Mine are drying" I requested.

"Yeah sure. Where are you going?" She asked.

"I don't know. He said we are going out to "enjoy"!" I said rolling my eyes remembering his words about me living a boring life.

"Ohhh...Who Noah?" She asked.

"No." I stated looking through her neatly set closet.

"So whoo? " she squealed. Loud enough that Rhys could hear her.

"Uh..our new neighbours son." I said.

"Yaayyy! You finally Luke someone." She shouted.

"Ariana, low down your volume. I mean seriously, he is in my room right now." I scolded.

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