Chapter Ten:《Aren't you forgetting something?》

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Chapter Ten:
《Aren't you forgetting something? 》

"Nooooo. This is not fair!" I whined with an innocent pout set on my face.

"Admit it! Admit that you lost five times to me!" Rhys challenged me with a victorious smirk.

"Yeah. Fine! You won! End of the story." I said with a pissed look on my face.

"Trust me baby this is not even the beginning!" He said with a wink.

I just rolled my eyes. I was so done with him and his sarcastic and cheeky ways. He was way to cocky for me! But still I somehow managed to tolerate him.

We had been playing board games and cards since hours. And this was the fifth time I lost to him in our seventh round of playing cards. As I and Rhys both had caught cold we decided that it was better to stay at home and chill.

Then I was brought out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing.

Maddie's name flashed across the screen. Why on earth was she calling me?!

"Hello." I spoke.

"Oh finally you get the time to pick up! No wonder how much of time have I wasted on the texts and calls I had made just to contact you!" She said in a rude tone.

"Uh...Okay." was all I could say.

Trust me.

"Okay? That's all you have to say?  Doesn't the words you're supposed to say sound like......... s-o-r-r-y!" She replied in a duh tone.

"And why should they sound so?" I asked in a clearly irritated voice.

"Because apparently you ditched our shopping trip which was yesterday! And then didn't even have the courtesy to call me or atleast send a text about how sorry you were for not showing up!. I waited for sooo long. And then my mood was so spoiled that I couldn't shop anything!" She said the last part in a shrieking voice.

Okay...! I understood that Maddie not shopping  when she's supposed to is...bad! Very very bad!

"I'm sorry?" I said unsure of any other thing which I may be supposed to say!

"Of course you are!" Okay. Now she decides what I feel for whom and when!

"Now that you have proved the pimp of a person you are..I still wouldn't mind to take you shopping. You know, I'm grateful to needy people." I could literally hear the smirk in her voice.

God! I was so angry that I felt like bashing her head against my bathroom floor tiles. But I knew better than that! I couldn't let myself loose my composure.

Then a great idea struck me. I knew that Maddie wanted me to get angry and decline her proposal! She was the kind of girl who would then play victim and would go to Noah and complain about petty things like this so that he thought badly of me!

But I was smarter than to let that happen!

It was time to play fake! Just like Maddie does!

"Really Maddie? Aww..that's so generous of you. Of course I will come along the next time. And by the I'm really soorrryy!" I spoke in a sickly sweet voice.

There was silence on the other side of the line.

I smirked to myself!

One point for Sphene! Yaayy!

But she was fast to recover from the current trauma she faced!

"Cool then. I'll see you on Friday!" She told in a completely composed but disturbed tone.

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