Chapter Seven:《 Yeah sure Mr.Enthusiast! 》

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Chapter Seven:《Yeah sure Mr.Enthusiast! 》

"Go get the door, will you?" My mom yelled at my sleepy state which was almost lost into a deep slumber while cleaning the coffee table. So will all will power I sacrifice my sleep and walk to the door and open it without even bothering to come out of my sleepy state.

"Someone looks as bright as sunshine." And it just took his voice for me to stumble upon the carpet and fall on the ground with an extremely disturbing thud. Disturbing because I was disturbed from my sleep by a handsomely gorgeous man who currently was enjoying the privilege of looking at me while I awkwardly lay on the carpeted floor.

But to my surprise he just smiled at me and shook his head and extended his hand for me.

I looked at him wide eyed.

No laughing? No lame name to call? Seriously? Do I see Rhys Parker standing in front of me?!

"Take that hand before I change my mind to even help you." He said.

I just nodded and took his hand and just in an eyes blink I was standing straight like a stick on the floor.

This made me glance at his biceps. I wonder how the hell did he do as if he was just pulling up some kilograms of air! But but..but ladies and gentlemen well I did not just stop there, my eyes had the audacity to betray me and wonder all over his handsome face with beautiful sea like eyes and a perfect jaw with some stubble growing then to his rock hard chest and the abs....just absolutely amazing!

"Take a picture, it would last longer!" He said with a wink.

"Ugh!" I said rolling my eyes.

But now looks as if it was his chance to check me out from head to toe.

Starting from my nest like looking blonde hair tide into an untidy bun he started looking or rather taking in me!

His eyes stopped at the hem of my father's favourite shirt which was now my favourite and I used to wear it to bed sometimes. And this was the very first unfortunate time where I regretted wearing this shirt.everything below my mid-thigh was exposed to my neighbour.

"Good morning Rhys darling!" My mom chirped with joy.

Rhys got a bit startled but then he replaced his expression with a smile and happily hugged my mother but he was still looking at me in the eyes.

I don't know why but I felt conscious and averted his gaze.

"I-I'll go and take a sh-shower." I said with my back facing him and without waiting for any reply I ran up the stair inside my room shutting the door close and leaning against it.

My heart was beating crazily.

So I went for a comforting shower and changed into a full-sleeve dark maroonish red dress because apparently Ariana had decided to dump some of her nice and decent clothes in my wardrobe so that I wouldn't have to ask her for it, which according to her would cause me a lot of problem and effort.

Braiding my hair into a messy braid I wore some flat sandals and went down for breakfast.

And to my not-so-surprise my mother's new favourite person was joining us for breakfast.
As per the new ritual he checked me out again and even I did that, again!

Stupid me.

The breakfast was kinda awkward with my mother speaking for most of the time and both me and Rhys glancing at each other for a fraction of second or two.

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