Chapter Twelve《You're so cute Mr. Doctor!》

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Chapter Twelve:《You're so cute Mr. Doctor! 》

"We're here."

I woke up by Alex's voice telling me that we had reached. I didn't realise when  had I dozed off to sleep while we drove to the.....beach?!

Why are we at the beach!? Again?!

"I know you're wandering what are we doing at the beach.." Exactly what I was thinking. "...I don't know I just couldn't think of any other good place." He said while scratching his neck. A thing which apparently most of the guys do when they are nervous!

"No. It's completely fine. I owe you this hangout!" I reassured with a polite smile. "Though I wander that don't you get bored coming to the beach everyday?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah I do! But with you its different." He said with his signature smile.

I don't know why but I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks.

We looked at each other for few seconds in silence.

Ooohhkkayyy...this is awkward

Then suddenly he opened the door at his side and got out of the car. Even before I could go for the door's handle he opened it for me.

"As I said...chivalry isn't quite dead!" I remarked with a soft laugh.

Then he took out his backpack from the back seat of the car and after locking the car he came to me and slung his arm over my shoulder and started walking with me.

We didn't go to the beach side where people were but instead we went to a deserted cliff kind of place from where the sea looked amazing and plus it was windy up here.

"This place is so cool! There is no one here. Are you sure you don't wanna murder me or something?"

"Ha-ha. Very funny Sphene!" He replied.

Then he took out a picnic blanket from his bag and two cans of cold beer with some snacks.

"Uh...I don't drink!" I told him.

I expected him to look at me with a "are you serious?!" look, because majority of the girls of my age drank. But to my surprise he just smiled at me.

"I had guessed that part. But still in case you did I brought one for you. Seeing that you don't..." he took the beer can which was in front of me and put it back in the bag, and placing a diet coke in front of me.

"Will this do?" He asked unsure of my choice.

"It will." I said with a smile. It was really sweet that he had brought something non-alcoholic also.

We spent the next hour chatting about our lives and eating while we also enjoyed the view.

"Do you want to go for a swim?" He asked out of the blue.

I looked at him with large eyes.

"Have you lost it? I don't have any swimwear and plus it's pretty chilly today." I said unbelievably.

"Dont worry about the swimsuit. You know I work here, that won't be an issue. And about the weather, it's just windy up here."

I still looked at him ridiculously while he packed the stuff he had taken out.

"What? We ARE going for a swim! I'm supposed to decide what we will do!" He said looking at me.

I just rolled my eyes and sighed giving in to his...order.

We went to the rental shop where he works. Today some girl was behind the counter and she literally threw herself at Alex when he called out her name, which I came to know is Gina. She looked like she had a crush or something on him.

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