Chapter Six :《You can't get two kisses in a day!》

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Chapter Six:《You can't get two kisses in a day!》

"Ready to go?" Rhys asked as soon as I opened the door.

I rolled my eyes at the fact that he was early, again!

He was supposed to come at 7 but he decided to show up at 6:15 just after half an hour of our arrival.

"Is it seven already?" I asked pretending to be shocked but not letting my sarcasm get unnoticed.

This time it was his chance to role his eyes.

"I know, I'm early. But I don't think you should of taken more than 15 minutes." He said as if it was a casual fact.

I folded my arms and gave him a look which he very well understood. He started looking everywhere but in my eyes.

I sighed and shrugged thinking that I can't do anything about it, now that he's already here.

"Come in, make yourself at home blah blah.." I said with disinterest.

"Sphene!" I heard the warning in my mom's tone.

Basically she had decided to welcome her new favourite person on this earth.

"Rhys dear!..." she exclaimed overjoyed at his visit. And well, the gesture was reciprocated.

Apparently Rhys kind of pushed me and walked inside MY house and hugged my mother as if his life depended on it.

"Mrs Roberts!!.." he replied with even more joy and happiness.

See I told ya!

I almost cringed at this sight but then, I had a place to go. So I ignored their little happy reunion and went up to my room and sat on my bed with the box Rhys had gifted me earlier this day. I was busy eating since I arrived home so I didn't get a chance to open the box.

I opened it and the sight in front of me was something I had never seen before. The outfit wasn't very formal in fact it was kinda casual but it was far from expensive. It must've cost my one month salary.

There was a pair of black leather pants with a black bikini top which had feathers at its bust and a black see through blouse with some designs and buttons on it.

I kept staring at it for a while but then suddenly got up and started stripping out of the clothes I was currently wearing. Wearing the outfit gifted to me I went to my old full size mirror and stared at the reflection which happened to be me, but looked very different. There was a hint of happiness in my eyes which was lost after my father died. My face looked as it was but much brighter and its glow was slowly getting back.

Combing my hair I let it fall free without tying it because for the first time I was having a good hair day. Wearing a pair of stud earrings and a bracelet I applied minimal make up which included some lip-gloss and mascara. I also wore my contact lense for a change.

I wore my open toe boots and took my phone off charge and put it in my pocket along with some money.

Even though I wasn't used to wearing such clothes, today for a change I liked it and didn't feel self-conscious.

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