Chapter 2: You're Just Plain Trouble Lambert

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The teacher walked back in the room and not even 10 minutes later the bell rang. I started gathering my stuff when I felt a hand gently grab my arm. I turned and saw that it was the guy.

Adam: Do you know where you have to go next?

Me: Yeah … Mr. Ryan drama.

Adam: That’s where I’m going too! I can walk with you if you want.

Me: That would be nice … thanks.

Adam: Don’t mention it … I’m Adam by the way.

I smiled and together we started walking down to the auditorium. I didn’t really talk to him on the way there but it sure was nice having someone walk with me. We walked in and Adam walked me up to Mr. Ryan.

Mr. Ryan: Ahh you must be Ryleigh. Thank you for accompanying her here Adam. We’re already casted all the parts for Annie but you can do stage design if you want for now.

Me: Stage design is fine. Just tell me what needs to be done.

Mr. Ryan: Adam take her back there with you and start painting those backdrops. You’ve been studying your lines right?

Adam: Yes sir.

He turned toward me and I smiled at him as he led me backstage to get to work.

Me: Who are you playing?

Adam: Rooster.

Me: You … Rooster?

I giggled and he smeared the white paint that was on his hand across my cheek playfully. I laughed and pushed his arm backward smearing it across his face. We started cracking up and Mr. Ryan came walking over to see what was going on. When he saw our paint smeared faces he shook his head smiling.

Mr. Ryan: You’re just plain trouble Lambert. 

Adam: Oh this one is just as much …

Mr. Ryan: Don’t you dare blame her … she didn’t do anything.

He looked at me and smirked knowingly before leaving. The class period blew by I had so much fun and Adam was soo nice to me. I had a feeling I was finally going to have a friend. He seemed as though he was an outcast as well. He was a little overweight (nowhere near as much as I was), but it seemed as though everyone else just hated him because he was gay. Or at least that’s what everyone else was saying, I didn’t know for sure if he was or wasn’t. He hadn’t said anything to me about the matter and truth be told I didn’t care either way. He got along with the other kids in the drama department and they had been nice to me as well but the rest of the student body was a whole other story. I had English next so he walked me to my classroom and promised to meet back up there so we could go to get lunch together. I enjoyed my English class, after all it was my favorite subject. Plus everyone was at least tolerant toward me and didn’t try to pull any shit. Once the class was over I stepped outside the room and saw that Adam was waiting leaning up against the wall.

Adam: Did you pack or do you have to buy?

Me: Pack … what about you?

Adam: Oh no … I’m not hungry. I thought we could go outside since it’s so nice out.

Me: We can do that?

Adam: Yeah … we’re allowed to eat on the quad … it’s fenced in.

I nodded and followed him outside. There were a few others out there but Adam walked over to the far corner and sat down underneath a tree in the shade. I sat next to him and pulled out my lunch. As I cut my pb&j sandwich in half I could see Adam looking at it hungrily.

Me: Want half? I don’t want it all …

Adam: Thanks …

We both ate in silence and after we were done we still had almost 20 minutes left. Adam sat there nervously wanting to kill the awkward tension in the air.

Adam: So … why did you move all the way out here from Indiana?

Me: Dad’s job transferred and promoted him.

Adam: Miss Indiana?

Me: Nah … nothing really ties me there. None of our family lives out there. They mostly all live in the San Diego area, a few up in San Fran. My parents grew up there but moved out to Indiana a few months before I was born. Adam … can I ask you a personal question?

Adam: Sure …

Me: Are you really gay … or are they just being assholes?

He looked at me and cocked his head to the side giving me a hand flick.

Adam: Honey … you seriously question that? I’m full fag I admit it.

Me: Thank you for being so nice to me … you don’t know how much that means to me.

Adam: You deserve it sweetheart. Don’t let anyone get to you. They’re sandpaper and yes they might scratch and hurt you, but in the end you’ll come out smooth and polished while they end up useless.

Me: You’re like this giant well of wisdom.

Adam: Some people collect trading cards I find sayings and quotes I like so I can spew them out at the right time. What can I say … it’s a gift. Can you stay after school today? Every Monday and Wednesday we do set work after school for the play. We could use an extra set of hands. It’s usually till 5:30ish.

Me: I could text my mom quick and ask her.

Adam: That would be great. I can give you a ride home after if you like? I mean I understand if your parents would want to get to know me first but if you need one I’d be more than happy to.

I pulled out my phone and quick sent a message to my mom

Me: Hey mom. Can I stay afterschool? Mondays and Wednesdays they do set work for the school play and I want to help.

Mom: Sure what time do you need to be picked up?

Me: Adam said it’s usually over around 5:30pm.

Mom: Who’s Adam? :)

Me: A friend … he’s helping me get used to the school. He’s really nice.

Mom: I’m glad you made a friend.

Me: He said he’d give me a ride home if you didn’t want to come get me.

Mom: Sure it’s only about 5 minutes home. That would be fine. He has his license right?

Me: Yes mom …

Mom: Alright if you start feeling unsafe you tell him to pull over and you call me.

Me: I’ll be fine … I love you <3

Mom: Love you too Ry.

Adam: So?

Me: She said that’s fine and you can give me a ride home. How long have you had your license?

Adam: About 6 months. My grandma gave me her old car since she wasn’t using it anymore.

Me: When’s your birthday?

Adam: January 29th. Yours?

Me: July 31st.

Adam: So I’m 6 months and 2 days older than you HA!

Me: Maybe chronologically but not mentally.

My mouth immediately dropped and my cheeks blushed bright red.

Me: I-I-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to say that. My humor is very … I’m not good at this.

Adam started laughing and gently pulled me into a hug to let me know everything was ok. I gently wrapped my arms around him as a couple of tears hit his exposed neck. He pulled back in alarm and gave me a concerned look.

Adam: Ryleigh … what’s wrong?

Me: I haven’t had a friend in so long …

Adam: Don’t you worry sweetheart. I will ALWAYS be here for you.

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