Chapter 4: You Deserve To Be Happy

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Over the next 3 months we became nearly inseparable we were ALWAYS at each other’s houses. My parents accepted him 100% and they allowed me to go wherever with him because they knew that he wouldn’t let ANYTHING happen to me. It was Valentine’s Day and they were having a dance at the school since it fell on a Saturday. He had asked me to go with him and even bought me a ticket. I was sitting in the living room waiting for him to get there when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and there stood Adam in his rented tux with a bouquet of lavender (my favorite color) roses. He took one look at me and smiled.

Adam: You’re so beautiful Ry.

Me: Stop … you’re making me blush. I’m not beautiful …

Adam: Hey don’t say that … you are to me.

He leaned down and kissed my forehead before handing me my roses.

Me: Thank you Addy they’re beautiful. Let me go put them in a vase quick.

By the time I walked back in the living room my mom was there with her camera. She wanted to take a bunch of photos of us both together and apart. It took about 15 minutes but she was finally done and we were able to make our way to the dance. There were quite a few people there crowding the dance floor. They played some pretty good stuff and Adam had a blast dancing with me as I did with him. About halfway thru the dance Adam noticed a guy sitting off to the side that kept checking him out. We both could tell he didn’t go there so he must’ve been there with someone. I could tell that Adam wanted to go talk to him but didn’t want to ditch me.

Me: It’s alright Addy … go ahead I’ll be fine. I’ll just go sit over at the wall.

Adam: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah you deserve it. Go have fun you flirt.

I smiled at him and walked over to the other side of the room and sat down. I kept an eye on Adam as he sat next to the guy and could tell by the other guy’s body language that he really liked him. Or at least liked what he was saying. It was nearly an hour later that they both got up and walked over to where I was sitting. By that point I was bored and feeling semi abandoned. I figured he would go talk to the guy for 10 minutes not 60. Adam smiled and brought him over to me.

Adam: Ryleigh this is Tommy … Tommy this is my best friend Ryleigh.

Tommy: Hi it’s nice to meet you.

Me: Same here.

Adam: It’s starting to get boring here don’t you think?

Me: Maybe a little …

Adam: Tommy and I were talking about going to the diner to eat.

Me: Oh alright … well goodbye then.

Adam: No silly … you’re coming too aren’t you?

Me: No I’m not really hungry. I’ll just stay here and call my mom to come get me.

Adam: No you won’t … come on Ry, won’t you please come with us?

Me: Alright.

The three of us went to the diner but I didn’t really talk much spending most of the time swirling my straw in my drink. About 45 minutes later the girl that Tommy came with stopped by and picked him up because they were cousins and her family was taking him up to their lake house for the night. As soon as he left Adam looked at me.

Adam: What’s wrong?

Me: Nothing … I didn’t want to intrude.

I didn’t realize I was biting down as hard as I was on my lip until the metallic taste of blood spilt into my lips. The way tonight turned out reminded me too much of how my last friendship had ended and it shook me to the core. I was trying so hard to hold in the tears of frustration but they started falling and Adam hugged me making shh noises. Then he took a napkin and dabbed at my eyes making sure to not mess up too much of my makeup.

Adam: I ruined everything … didn’t I?

Me: No … you didn’t ruin anything. Just bad memories, that’s not your fault.

Adam: Tell me?

Me: The last friend I had we went to an arcade together that was down the street from my house. When we got there she saw one of her other friends and when I went to the bathroom left me there. It still hurts and a part of me thought that you were going to …

Adam: Ry never … I’d never do that to you. You’re my best friend. I’ll ALWAYS be here for you baby girl. I promise.

Me: He seems nice Addy … you deserve love.

Adam: Yeah … I like him. He’s supposed to come check out the play next weekend. You want to sleep over at my house tonight? My parents aren’t home and I want to make up for tonight.

Me: Addy you don’t have anything to make up for. I’m fine … I promise.

Adam: Alright … I’d still like you to sleep over though. Though don’t think I forget last time.

The last time I slept over we had been messing around with makeup and he had his eyes closed. I had turned him into a clown and he answered the door to get our pizza with a face full of exaggerated clown makeup. The pizza girl was in stitches … it was HILARIOUS. I nodded and we drove to my house to pick up my stuff quick. My parents didn’t care if I was over there. So I gathered my stuff and headed back over to Adam’s house. We both got changed into pajamas and I curled up on the couch with him resting backward on my chest.

Adam: I love you Ry … you know that right?

Me: I love you too Adam … You deserve to be happy sweetheart. You deserve to have love.

I kissed his forehead and smoothed back his hair. I often thought that if people didn't know he was gay they would think we were a couple. 

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