Chapter 3: She's Not Exactly My Type

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The bell sounded and we walked back inside. We had discovered that Adam was also in my Art class. How did I get lucky enough to have him in 3 of my four classes? The class only had two more classes to work on their previous 2 week long project so I was given time to sketch out an idea for our next one. You had to take a lyric from a favorite song and draw pictures to represent it. Once the class ended we went back to the auditorium and got to work on the set design. Mr. Ryan was THRILLED to have another set of hands seeing as there were only 10 of us there. I got to know the other people a lot better and they were so friendly as well. Maybe moving here wasn’t going to be so bad after all. We finished up about 5:45pm and I made my way out to Adam’s car with him. I gave him directions to my house and soon we pulled up outside. When we were working on the sets we had got to talking about music and I mentioned how I had a HUGE 250+ cd collection. He nearly started salivating at the thought and asked if he could come in and check it out. We both got out of the car and I retrieved my keys from the pocket in my messenger bag. We both walked in and my mom stood in the hallway. She noticed that I had someone with me and smiled walking over.

Mom: You must be Adam right?

Adam: Yes ma’am.

He reached out and shook her hand with a smile. I gently grabbed his arm pulling him toward the stairs.

Me: My rooms up here come on.

Mom: Ry remember door open …

Me: Alright but you definitely won’t have a problem.

Adam: Yeah … she’s not exactly my type.

My mom scrunched her face up in annoyance at first thinking that he mean due to my weight but then it hit her and she realized what he meant.

Mom: Oh, well then … have fun.

We got up to my room and sat for the next hour looking at my cds. My mom ordered a pizza and brought us both up two slices each. We sat there eating when Adam’s eyes drifted over to my dresser and the pictures I had on it. I had a couple from when I was little, one from Disneyworld, and one of my sister Emma and me that was taken a year ago on her 7th birthday.

Adam: Who’s the little girl in the picture with you?

Me: My little sister Emma. She passed away almost 6 months ago …

Adam: I’m sorry to hear that … what happened if you don’t mind me asking?

Me: Car accident …

Adam: I lost someone about 6 months ago too. You probably caught on to that a bit this morning by what Mike was saying. His name was Joshua and we were dating. When his parents found out his dad took him out back and tried to ‘beat the gay out of him’. He ended up hanging himself in his closet.

Me: Oh my god that’s awful. I’m so sorry Adam.

I could see the tears in his eyes and I just wrapped my arms around him tightly. He held onto me for a good straight minute then looked at his watch to see that it was already 7:30pm.

Adam: I better get going. I’m really glad we’ve met Ryleigh. I’ll see you tomorrow ok? Would you like me to pick you up in the morning? I have to come past this area anyway.

Me: That would be great. I’ll see you around 7:15am?

Adam: Yeah 7:15am sounds good to me.

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