Chapter 10: I Almost Lost Him

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He got us the ticket and gave me headphones for Lilly. She woke up and was SO excited when I said we were going to watch Adam sing. It was only about 30 minutes until the show so we gave Adam good luck kisses and made our way to our seats. Of course SO many people came up to say hello to us. The girl who was sitting next to me arrived and got so excited when she saw we were sitting next to her.

Glambert: Oh my god I can’t believe I get to sit next to you two. She is such a doll Ryleigh. Hi Lilly …

Lilly: Hi!

Me: Thank you …

Glambert: Is she really close with Adam? It seems he’s ALWAYS posting pictures with/of her.

Me: Yeah she adores him almost as much as he adores her.

Lilly: Momma … Ad!

Me: He’ll be out soon baby girl.

Glambert: Is this her first time seeing one of his concerts?

Me: Yeah … I’m curious to see how she’ll do. I think once he’s on stage she’ll be ok.

She kept struggling to get down because of being in such a different environment she wanted to walk around and explore. So I excused myself and held onto her hand so she could walk around a bit. So many people were pointing and saying “There’s Lilly!” She was beaming and waving at everyone. Cameras were flashing and people were laughing at how much of a ham she was like Adam. I could tell the show was about to start so I scooped her up and brought her back to our seat with her fussing a bit. As soon as he hit the stage it all stopped and she just stared in awe at him. About halfway thru the show he looked out and started waving at her. Then he looked at me and gestured that I bring her over. I got up and walked over handing her up to him. He had her in his arms and she wrapped her little arms around his neck in a hug.

Adam: Hey baby girl. Can you tell everyone what your name is?

Lilly: Lilly.

Adam: And how old are you.

Lilly: Two!

The crowd awed at her … they were totally in love with her. Even more so than I realized. Adam looked down at me and motioned that I come up on stage too so I made my way over. Lilly watched me walk over but figured she’d stay with Adam as long as she could. I didn’t blame her seeing as she hadn’t seen him for months.

Adam: In case you don’t know this is my best friend Ryleigh. Lilly is her daughter. Without this girl right here I don’t know if I would’ve been here tonight. I know there have been rumors swirling around as to why Tommy left. I know everyone has been asking me to explain on twitter but I wasn’t ready. Tommy cheated on me with some girl and left to live with her. He broke me, I felt like I couldn’t go on. Like every last ounce of happiness had been ripped from my soul. Ryleigh doesn’t even know this but I would like to share something with all of you. Before Ryleigh and Lilly showed up today I was contemplating ending my life. If she hadn’t shown up I probably wouldn’t even be alive right now. She reminded me that no matter how hard someone hurts you never give up. You never let them win, they don’t deserve to have that kind of control over you. It was something I can’t believe that I allowed myself to forget. Thank you Ryleigh for giving me a little bit of hope back … for reminding me that there are still 2 people who love me that need me on this earth. I can’t imagine not being here to watch this beautiful little girl grow up and teach her about the world. I can’t imagine not being by my best friends side when you finally find the right guy and you go to pick out the perfect wedding dress. I love you Ryleigh Nicole and I love you Lillian Grace.

He tickled Lilly’s tummy and she giggled snuggling against him.

Lilly: I love you Ad.

Adam handed her back over to me then wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss noticing the tears spilling from my eyes. I didn't realize that he wanted to kill himself ... that I had been that close to losing the one man who had always been there. We walked back to our seats and noticed that everyone in the audience had tears in their eyes listening to his story. I sure hoped he'd be ok. It was then and there I decided that we would stay with Adam for the rest of the tour.

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