Chapter 8: Reunited And It Feels So Good

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The next year was the loneliest I had ever felt. I was 100% miserable and mostly kept to myself. At least the kids left me alone at school because they realized that their bullying didn’t get any reaction from me. So they put their time into more gratifying targets. My parents had blocked Adam and Tommy from contacting me and I missed them more than anything. I wasn’t allowed to leave the house by myself other than for school. Even then my mom dropped me off and picked me up. Luckily my aunt lived nearby and I often spent time at her house. She didn’t understand why my parents wouldn’t let me see them if I wanted to. If I was the one who wanted to go get the ice by myself. It wasn’t as if I was abandoned somewhere by them. She had given me money for graduation but as a surprise had also contacted Adam and Tommy and bought them plane tickets to come and visit. I had no idea. I was staying at my aunt’s for a week and she told me she had to run to the store. Instead she went to go pick them up. When she got back I was sitting on the couch. I turned to get up to help her with the bags and Adam was standing there. I let out some kind of jubilant noise and wrapped my arms around him sobbing on his shoulder. He had lost so much weight since I had seen him last.

Me: I missed you … I missed you so much Addy.

Adam: And I missed you Ry.

Me: You look so good … you lost weight.

Adam: So did you …

Me: Just 30lbs.

I let go of Adam and walked over to Tommy giving him a huge hug as well. Having these two wonderful guys with me for the whole week was magical. It was like I’d never been without them. When they had to fly back I cried … I didn’t want to be without them. They promised they would find a way to stay in touch but that didn’t come to be. My parents found out they were there and forbid me from seeing my aunt and took away my cell phone. They also forced me to go to a college all the way in Pennsylvania. I went to not start problems but I had the worst time ever seeing as they still managed to control my Facebook and phone. I didn’t even know their phone numbers to contact them anymore. When I graduated with my masters in teaching 6 years later. I moved back to California and got a job teaching at an elementary school in San Diego. It was Friday, the 2nd week of school that I was working and at the end of the day the whole class was excitedly talking about a free concert that some singer was putting on that night. I finally gave in and decided to ask who they were talking about.

Me: Who is putting on a concert?

Student 1: Oh Ms. James … he’s really really good.

She reached into her backpack and pulled out a flyer. When I saw it I gasped. On the flyer was Adam.

Me: Can I keep this?

Student 2: Ms. James are you going to come too!?!

Me: I sure am …

As soon as all the kids left I immediately went home to my apartment to get changed and make my way over to the fairgrounds where the show was going to be. There was a small crowd gathered and I could make out Tommy and the other band members unloading their gear off to the side. I knew I had to get back there. Everyone was calling out ‘Tommy’ or ‘Tommy Joe’ and every once in a while he’d look over and wave. I started yelling but it wasn’t getting his attention. Then I realized what I had to try.

Me: TJ!!!

Hearing that his head shot up as the whole crowd grew quiet. I wasn’t sure if he would recognize me or not … I had lost 150lbs since I’d seen them last. He put the equipment down and curiously walked forward. I was toward the back of the crowd so he couldn’t see me.

Tommy: Who said that?

The crowd parted and I walked toward him.

Me: I did …

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