Chapter 5: I Like Having You Close

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The next week we were SUPER busy with school and final practices for the play. They had made me one of the orphans so I didn’t have any solo parts or anything but was still on stage a bit. I was so excited for it even though my parents could only make it to one of the performances. Same for Adam’s parents IF he was lucky. They were out of the state A LOT for work for weeks at a time. He spent most of his time alone. It was Friday night and our first night for the show. I was super nervous but Adam seemed to be pretty damn calm. He walked over and gave me a reassuring hug.

Adam: It’s ok Ry … nothing to be nervous about.

Me: How are you so calm? There’s gonna be almost 500 people there.

Mr. Ryan: Uhh actually more like 750 Ryleigh.


I sat down on an empty equipment case and Adam followed suit.

Adam: It’s second nature to me now. I’ve been doing plays since I was 5.

I managed to pull myself together and the play went off without a hitch. Adam was PHENOMENAL the crowd LOVED him. We were hanging backstage when Tommy came walking over. Adam greeted him with a hug and they walked a few feet away to talk. Adam was laughing and about 10 minutes later he walked over to where I was chatting with a few of the other drama kids.

Adam: Ry … can I talk to you for a minute?

Me: Sure …

Adam: Do you think your parents would mind if Tommy came back to your house with us?

Me: No I don’t think they’d have a problem. Did you say something to him yet?

Adam: No … I wanted to ask you first. Are YOU ok with it?

Me: Yeah Addy … I’m fine.

He kissed my forehead and Tommy walked over finishing up a text on his phone.

Tommy: A friend of mine said that he could get the two of us into his club. They have Teen nights the 2nd to last Friday of the month but it’s real elite SUPER hard to get in. You interested?

Adam: I kind of already have plans with Ryleigh. I was going to ask if you wanted to come hang out with us.

Tommy: Not really ... I’ve never been able to get in here before this is a BIG opportunity.

Adam: Well can Ryleigh come?

Tommy: I … I only got 2 passes.

Adam: Well I guess I’ll see you some other time then.

I looked at Adam and shook my head.

Me: No Addy go it’s ok. I can hang out with you whenever go have fun.

Adam: Are you sure?

Me: Yeah … positive. Just stay safe ok?

I kissed his forehead and the two of them left. I sighed and walked out in the audience to find my parents seeing as this was the performance they were able to get to. They congratulated me and handed me a bouquet of Ruby roses.

Mom: Where’s Adam?

Me: A guy he’s crushing on asked him to go to a teen night at a club with him.

Dad: He just ditched you like that?!?

Me: No … no he didn’t want to go, I made him. Let’s just go home.

As soon as I got home I went up to my room and got changed. I had pulled out a bunch of movies for us to watch so I put them away and folded up the sleeper sofa in my room straitening and folding all the blankets on it.  It was about 2:45am when I got a text from Adam. I was half asleep but the noise woke me up so I sleepily stretched and reached for my phone.

Adam: Ry … are you awake?

Me: Yeah semi … what do you want?

Adam: I’m outside … can you come let me in?

Me: Sure I’ll be right down.

I snuck downstairs and unlatched the door it was pitch black so I couldn’t see anything. When we got into my room I turned out my light and saw that he had a black eye and his cheek was all cut up.

Me: Addy what happened!?!

Adam: I made a horrible mistake …

Tears splashed down his face and I went to hug him. When I did he yelped out.

Adam: Please don’t … everything hurts.

Me: I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Adam: I had sex with him …

Me: He did this to you!?!

Adam: No … his EX-BOYFRIEND did this to me. You haven’t even seen the half of it.

He slid off his tshirt and I gasped as I saw that almost his entire chest was one HUGE bruise.

Me: What happened?

Adam: We were having a good time … great time actually. Just got caught up in the music and the atmosphere and we started kissing and then ended up in a backroom at the club. The owner of the club is also friends with Tommy’s ex and had invited him there not realizing that we were going to be there on a date. He walked in on us and proceeded to beat the living shit out of me.

Me: Why didn’t you attack him? You’re so strong …

Adam: Because … because I was handcuffed to the bed …

He hung his head and I gently reached up moving his hair back from his face.

Adam: I can’t believe this happened. He’s texted me a few times but I’m too embarrassed to read them.

Me: Are you ok though … you don’t think you need a hospital or anything?

Adam: No I’m fine … I just needed to be with someone who gets me right now. Do you mind if I sleep here? I’m exhausted …

Me: Sure just let me get the bed set up again.

Adam: No that’s ok I’ll take care of it. Thanks Ry …

Me: Not a problem goodnight sweetheart.

As I laid there I could hear him crying. I carefully got up and walked over laying down next to him.

Adam: I really … really like him Ry.

Me: I know you do … why are you crying?

Adam: Because I ruined EVERYTHING. I gave him everything so easily. You normally can’t come back from that. 

Me: He wanted it too through … right?

Adam: Yeah … he’s the one who said we could go in the back room. I mean he got a condom so we were safe I just …. I just really don’t want to screw this up.

Me: If he doesn’t understand how amazing you are then he doesn’t deserve to have you. You deserve someone who wouldn’t judge you over something you both wanted.

Adam: You are perfect you know that right?

Me: Only if you tell me …

I kissed his forehead and got up. As I did he frowned.

Me: What?

Adam: I like having you close.

Me: I can’t stay on this thing it hurts my back. You can come up in my bed with me if you want …

Adam: Ok.

I laid down and after he fixed everything I felt the covers pull back and his warm body next to me. He always allowed me to snuggle against him but I didn't want to with the brusing. So instead he lightly wrapped his arm around me and held me against him. I ended up drifiting off listening to the sounds of his quiet snores.

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