Chapter 15: Meeting The Love Of His Life

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Over the next 3 months we got super close and he ended up moving in with me. I couldn’t believe that the love of my life had been right in front of me all this time. Lilly usually called me every night before bed on her own choosing and we had gone out to lunch a few times. I still hadn’t met the infamous Sauli that she always rambled about. I was at least on speaking terms with Adam again but barely. Mostly just a quick Hello when he dropped Lilly off or goodnight when Lilly facetimed me. They didn’t know that I was dating Nick we kept it a secret for now anyway. It was the morning of the 4th of July and I got a face time alert from Lilly. I answered it and saw she was sitting on Adam’s lap.

Lilly: Hi mommy!

Me: Good morning Lilly.

Lilly: We’re having a picnic … would you please come over?

Me: I … I don’t know.

Adam: Please?

Me: Alright … what time?

Adam: 12:30pm.

Just then Nick walked into the room and before I could tell him not to yell out he did.

Nick: Hey babe who are you talking to?

Adam immediately recognized his voice and he scrunched up his face in confusion.

Adam: Nick is there?

Me: Yeah …

Adam: May I ask why?

Me: He lives here … we’re dating. Now I guess the secrets out.

Adam just stared at the camera and smiled.

Adam: I’m happy for you Ry …

Me: Thanks … I have to get ready. I’ll see you then.

Adam: Nick can come too if he wants. That would be fine.

Me: Alright … thanks for that. See you soon Lilly.

Lilly: Bye mommy … I love you.

Me: I love you … more than you’ll ever know.

I blew a kiss to her and disconnected. Nick looked at me and gave me a sheepish grin.

Nick: Sorry … I didn’t know you were using face time.

Me: It’s alright it had to come out sooner or later. Will you go over to his house later with me for a picnic?

Nick: Sure … you’re actually going over there?

Me: Yeah … I figure it’s about time. Lilly begged me so I caved.

Before I knew it, it was 12:15pm so we started the drive to Adam’s when we got to the front door I knocked on it and a few moments later Adam walked over. Upon seeing that I actually showed he got a smile on his face.

Adam: I’m really glad you came … really glad.

He stood there for a moment and I couldn’t help it I wrapped my arms around him for a hug. He immediately wrapped his around me as well as my tears hit his chest.

Adam: Hey it’s ok … it’s ok. I’m sorry I haven’t been there.

Me: I’m … sorry too. I missed you so much.

Adam: And I’ve missed you Ry. So very much.

He kissed my forehead and just held onto me for a good extra minute before I slowly pulled away wiping my tears. I smiled and he smiled back at me rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

Adam: There’s the Ry I know and that beautiful smile.

Me: Addy?

Adam: What?

Me: Can we go back to the way things were? I really want you back in my life …

Adam: Of course, I want you back in mine too. More than anything, my beautiful best friend.

Suddenly he realized that Nick was standing behind me the whole time and smiled.

Adam: Hey Nick … I didn’t realize you were here.

He pulled him into a hug and looked him directly in the eyes.

Adam: You care for her you hear me? This girl isn’t just the mother of my daughter she is the reason I’m here today. Don’t you dare hurt her!

Nick: I wouldn’t even imagine hurting her. She’s everything to me.

He opened his arms and I walked over snuggling myself into them. Adam watched with a huge smile on his face.

Adam: Come outback everything is out there. You can meet Sauli Ry …

The three of us walked outside and I got a smile on my face when I saw how blissfully happy Lilly was Sauli chasing her all around the yard. She got into the pool and he followed chasing her then pulling her close and spinning her around. She noticed me and got out running over dripping wet.

Lilly: Mommy!

I scooped her up getting soaked in the process but I didn’t care. She looked so relieved that I was there, that all the tension around us had been lifted. I looked up and saw that Adam was walking toward me with Sauli. I put Lilly down and she ran over to Nick who was standing by the grill, to say hello.

Adam: Ry this is Sauli … Sauli this is Ryleigh.

Me: Hi …

Sauli: Hi Ryleigh … it’s really nice to meet you.

He extended his hand in greeting but I ignored it instead giving him a hug which he happily reciprocated. He was such a cutie with his fluffy blonde hair and adorable accent. The longer we spent the more I could see just how much they loved each other and exactly how much he loved Lilly. We because fast friends before the end of the night feeling more at peace than I had in FOREVER. How could I hate a man who treated my best friend like gold and my precious baby girl like she was his own? Nick had work the next morning so he had a friend pick him up but I just lounged on one of the chairs next to Adam on the patio watching the two of them in the pool.

Me: She really likes him …

Adam: Yeah, he spends a lot of time with her. That’s his little buddy.

Me: I’m really sorry the way I acted Addy, you just really … hurt me.

Adam: I know I did … and for that I’m truly sorry. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you … you didn’t deserve to be abandoned like that.

Me: I wasn’t exactly alone … I talked to Nick almost every day. If it wasn’t for him I don’t know if I would’ve gotten through not having Lilly or you. I missed her so much … she is everything to me.

Adam: You know why she didn’t want to live with you right?

Me: No …

Adam: She was afraid that you wouldn’t let her come see me. That you would take her away.

Me: I wouldn’t have done that … she needs you.

Adam: Yeah … but she needs her mom too. She cries all the time that she misses you.

Me: She can come stay with me anytime … I told you that.

Adam: I know … I told her but she’s afraid that she’d never see me.

Me: I only live not even 10 minutes from here. She could come see you anytime she wants.

I let out a yawn and wrapped my arms across my chest trying to warm up as a cold breeze brushed my exposed arms.

Adam: Awe are you cold?

Me: A little …

He got up and moved the chairs together so they were touching. Then he pulled me in close to him wrapping his arms around me. Being that close to him, smelling his intoxicating scent brought back so many happy memories of our beautiful friendship. I couldn’t help but let a few tears hit his chest. He lifted up in face and gently wiped them away.

Me: I missed this …

Adam: Me too Ry … me too.

He gently ran his fingers through my hair and I dozed off happy to be with my best friend.

Friendship For LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora