Chapter 14

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3 chapters in one day?! I swear I'm just getting trigger happy now :P 

"Sir, this body clearly has the same... inhuman gene that Skye and Lincoln have," Simmons explained as she and Coulson stood near the corpse that had been brought to their attention.

"Cause of death?"

"Heart attack," she explained. "Or so I thought. If you look closely," she lifted the sheet to expose the body's foot, "there's a very small puncture wound on the side of the foot. It could've been applied when the victim was walking somewhere and the needle was close enough to the ground."

"What does this have to do with the cause of death?" Coulson asked, confused.

"An empty syringe can mimic a heart attack," Jemma smiled before correcting her expression. "I mean, it's horrible, but it's fascinating. If you apply air to the bloodstream, the air bubble can stop the heart."

"So this was murder?"

"Precisely," she nodded. "And I had Skye look up the victim from her room in quarantine. She says the man has absolutely no reason for someone to be hunting him except for the inhuman, for lack of a better word, gene."

"Ah," Coulson nodded, finally understanding everything, "Hydra wants them weaponized or killed. Any way we can figure out who's next on the kill list?"

Simmons nodded and handed Coulson a tablet with the picture of a woman in her late 20s on it. "Katrina Tucker. Like I said before, I had Skye working on it."

Coulson looked over the file. "Any change in Skye?" he said, taking his attention away from the tablet.

Simmons shook her head. "No change in either her or Lincoln. Besides the obvious display of Lincoln's powers, they haven't experienced any more side effects than the ones they've told me about."

"If they're stable, I want them removed from quarantine."

Simmons nodded. "Of course, sir."

"And while you're letting Skye out, tell her to get ready for a mission."

"A mission, sir?" she asked.

He held up the tablet. "Katrina Tucker. We're going to go get her."


Ward picked up a book off the shelf in the lounge and turned to head back to his room. As he was turning, he saw Fitz standing in the doorway. "Fitz...don't worry, I was just leaving."

Fitz shook his head. "I actually wanted to talk to you."

"To me?" Ward raised his eyebrows.

Fitz nodded and sat down in one of the chairs, Ward sitting in the one opposite him.

Ward broke the silence first. "I'm glad you're okay, Fitz. If there were any other way-"

Fitz nodded. "I know. I researched the pods. They're supposed to float." Ward nodded silently, thanking every lucky star that Fitz could at least see that. Fitz scratched his ear awkwardly. "I just, I wanted to tell you that I understand why you did it. Betray us and drop Simmons and me into the ocean. We uh...we saw your x-rays and Coulson finally told us about Garrett. I studied psychology briefly when I was younger and I know what that can do to a person. I also know that Garrett would have killed Simmons and I if you hadn't gotten us off the plane, so I actually kind of wanted to thank you."

Ward shook his head. "Fitz, you shouldn't be the one doing the thanking."

Fitz shrugged. "I know. But you've also saved my life many times and that means a lot to me. I just wanted you to know that I've made my peace with it. It had to happen sooner or later, since you're back on the team again," he smiled.

Ward swallowed, overcome with emotions. "Thank you, Fitz. That means a lot. More than you know."

Fitz nodded before turning around when his voice was called. Coulson was standing in the doorway. "We need you to help us track someone down, Fitz. Be ready to leave in 10."


"She may be scared and resist us," Coulson reminded Skye, May, and Fitz.

"We know the plan, AC," Skye chuckled and rolled her eyes.

Coulson nodded as he pulled up to the house. "I know, I just want this to go with as few complications as we can manage."

Skye smiled as she climbed out of the van. She walked up to the front door and knocked twice. The door opened a moment later, revealing the red headed woman. "Can I help you?"

"Are you Katrina Tucker?"

"Who wants to know?" The woman raised an eyebrow as she crossed her arms and leaned across the doorframe.

"My name is Skye. I work for the government. We received word that someone maybe looking for you to capture you, for lack of a better word. We're here to take you under our care and keep you safe," Skye tried to explain the matter delicately.

The woman smiled. "Thanks, but I'm alright."

Skye stopped the door as she began to close it. "Please, Miss Tucker. We don't want you getting hurt."

The woman nodded, "Skye, you don't have to worry about Hydra finding me."

Skye raised an eyebrow, "I never said anything about Hydra."

Katrina nodded, "I like to keep myself informed. I know who's after me and I know why."

"So you know about being..."

"An Inhuman? Like you?" Katrina laughed. "Yes."

Skye took a step back. "How did you know I'm an Inhuman?"

Katrina tapped her head, "that's my power. I can sense nearby Inhumans."

Skye smiled, "that is...extremely useful."

Katrina chuckled again. "You would not believe how many situations I have gotten out of because of this."

Before Skye could reply, a gunshot pierced the air.

Skye and Katrina both swore and Skye ushered Katrina into the house. Skye pulled her gun from her waistband and held it out in front of her, pointing it at the door. "Will that convince you to come with us?" she whispered.

Katrina nodded furiously. "They didn't have any Inhumans with them!"

"Figured that out," Skye retorted. She saw Katrina's worried gaze flick towards the stairway leading upstairs and followed her gaze. She could have sworn she saw a man there just a minute ago. She blinked again but there was no one there. She had to be seeing things. Trip wasn't still alive. He died when Raina made him hold the obelisk.

She shook her head and grabbed Katrina's arm, opening the door slowly when May signaled that it was safe to come outside again.

She led Katrina towards the van and helped her inside before ushering to Coulson to start driving away.

"How many were there?" Skye asked.

"Only 4," May replied, barely out of breath. "Coulson and I took them down easily enough. But now Hydra will know that we're on to them."

"Couldn't hunt them in secret for long, could we?" Skye chuckled. "How you holding up, Fitz?"

Fitz sighed, "I will be happy to never be in a firefight again, but knowing our job AND our luck, I would say the chances of that happening are close to 0."

Skye chuckled and then turned to Katrina. "You okay?"

Katrina nodded and then took a deep breath. "I'll be alright."

Skye nodded and then closed her eyes, also taking a deep breath. She thought about what she saw at the house. She couldn't have seen Trip. He was dead, wasn't he?

Ta da! Let me know what you thought, comments make my day 100x better!

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