Spotlight On....Ookami!!!!

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Ookami: Do you know how to kill the person you hate most? Well, you need Ninja Croissants, Bratty Baguettes and a guillotine. Order the Croissants to NINJAFY the Baguettes and the person you hate. When they have NINJAFYED the baguettes, take then all to the guillotine. Once they're at the guillotine, chop off all of their heads at once and then, you have a nice bread arrangement.

Me: Why did we talk about so much bread and guillotines today?

Ookami: Because of Mr. Starfish's most excellent idea to let us sit together in math

Me: Oh yeah..... Anyways, GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!!!!!!🌙

Talk To Yuki!!!![DISCONTINUED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें