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I. Why are u doing the Love Me Challenge?

Cuz I was tagged

II. What is a positive word that describes u?


III. Write a note to your past self!

"Dear my past self,
What happened? Do you know?..."

IV. Write a note to your future self!

"Dear my future self,
Please don't put me in jail."

V. What is an object of yours that u love?

My phone (I have a meaning behind it) my sketchbook and my four bracelets

VI. What is your quote about beauty?

*hair flip*

VII. What's a fear you've overcome?

My fear of Siri!!

VIII. What's something you like about yourself?

That I have a Capri Sun!

IX. What is something that makes u beautiful?

The fact I have a face??? The fact that I'm hooman???

X. What's something u like to wear?

My oversized red shirt and favorite jeans

XI. What makes u unique?

Me in general

XII. What makes u happy?

Cookies, scissors and when I don't have artist/writers block

XIII. What makes u feel beautiful?

Ummm idk???

I shall tag no one!!!!

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