Scared of Pianos (imma promo wh*re)

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(Heads up, I changed SL's name from Section Leader/SL to Josephi)

Me: I don't know, when I think of my first band show I start crying and I get saaaaaad..

Ookami: Well it could be because <insert some psychological stuffs> and it could be something within the process of PTSD.

Me: *le loud gasp* OMG OML OOKAMI!!

Ookami: W-whaaa? *confused and startled*

Me: *grabs Ookami's arm, gasps and points at the piano at the other side of the room* ITS A PIANO!! ITS SCARY!!!!

(Fun fact! I played piano for band so that's what I was referring to. Well... we call it a synth, BUT ITS LITERALLY THE SAME THING! Just a fancy name.)

Ookami:... I'm done. *puts up hands and tries to walk away*

Me: Wait nooooooo *follows her*

~the next day~

Me: *just explained everything to a very confused Josephi*

Josephi:... is that why you pretended to cry when I started to play the piano? (We have a piano at our school in the band room)

Me: *proudly* Yes. *fake crying*

Me and Ookami: *decide to call Josephi by the name of Josephi Senpai*

Me: *gets blocked*

Ookami: *Doesn't get blocked*

Me: *is sad Senpai doesn't love me*


Okay, this is the 100th chapter of this book... Wow. I've decided to do a special thing. Please please please ask questions for me and my friends to answer and we'll answer the questions!! And just cuz not many people read my book anymore, imma tag the lot of you cuz I'm a promo wh*re


Love you all, I hope I'm not too annoying!!!!

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