Phantasia by Smilies

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Sadly Tonia Stark has removed this story, however her other novels are a marvel so go read them instead!!


Genre: Fantasy, Adventure.

Status: On going

Rating: 9.7/10


"What should I be afraid of? It's nothing more than a fantasy."

When Marixa first discovered the land made up of her dreams, she called it "Phantasia". The sky was green, the trees were blue. Night was bright, day was dark. The waterfalls flowed upward, the creatures flew backward. She would stay there all night, wishing her time there would never end. But what happens when this wish comes true and Marixa finds herself trapped in this dream land because of none other than her own mother? Desperate for an escape, the two embark on a journey across Phantasia, coming face to face with bizarre creatures, battling blood-thirsty plants, and receiving help from an unlikely ally.

It is only a matter of time until Marixa realizes that Phantasia is not only made up of her dreams, but her nightmares too...

**Warning may contain spoilers**

Phantasia is a story about Marixa, a girl who discovers she can drift into her own world when she dreams. There are ve chapters posted but they are so good that you are already immersed in the adventure. By the second page you are hooked and by the next chapter you have sped though and you are begging for more

From chapter one you understand that Marixa has a tricky relationship with her mother, Smilies really captures their relationship. I felt as though I was being intrusive while reading their argument because it was so real. On Wattpad I find most stories have unbelievable characters that have strange, stiff conversations with their parents that don't work. You really hate Marixa's mother after her first words, they are unfair and just so annoying.

You travel with them to Phantasia where you start to meet an array of very interesting characters, we begin to see Marixa's true powers and some cool secrets. You have Adona a kick ass dragon rider who is cold and uncaring and her sidekick/friend Caius who appears to be a kind hearted man.

 The world is awesome, it has floating mountains and evil bird like creators that rib the skin of living things. We get glimpses of castles is the sky and large mysterious cities also some big ass DRAGONS.

Cover: Well what can I say. She is an amazing designer so her cover is awesome. You have Marxia, Adona and Caius, on a cool blue background that has some lightning down the side. Just take a look it's good!!

Title: 10/10 It's the name of the outstanding dream world and a Latin translation – can it get cooler!

Summary: Captivating and you are pulled in from the first sentence.


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