Clearwater By Etcetra

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Genre: Werewolf, Non-Teen Fiction.

Status: On going

Rating: 9.8/10


Welcome to Clearwater, Montana. Population: 5,145. It was mid-autumn when a local teenager, Jack Reece, disappeared on a hunting trip. The only things that were left were some clothes and drops of blood. From then on nobody saw him. People began calling it just a simple attack from the wolves that roamed the mountains bordering the town. Though they don't know that those wolves aren't exactly the type you see on National Geographic.

**Warning may contain spoilers** 

Do you want a brilliant werewolf story, that isn't cliché with boring characters? Then look no further. This werewolf story by Etcetra is perfect. It has two chapters posted but they are a good size and contain some great backstory but also some interesting plot points which make me want to know more.

You have Noelle and Ford who are a couple, that live in this town called Clearwater. Chapter One pulls you with a disappearance of a young man who was out in the forest. It was mysterious and you really want to know what happened to him. For me I guess it was a werewolf? But that might be a red herring who knows.  

Personally I really liked Noelle she seems caring and sweat and I think she is dating the bad boy or at least a character with quite a dark past – love it. Ford seems rough and I hope in the upcoming chapters to find out more about his family and how he become a werewolf; was he born one or bitten.

Etcetra is able to bring the werewolves in with out making them seem stupid or out of place, which is a great change. I think some of the town are werewolves and some aren't but again there is sense of mystery so who knows.

We also meet Dean who has been away from Clearwater for over a year, he arrives back unexpected and uninvited. I also love his character who we find out is Noelle's brother and that is why the disappearance of the boy troubled her so much – that was a nice touch.

Anyway I don't want to give away too much about what happens in the first chapters so go read it! It is awesome and deserves so much more attention.

Cover: It is quite simple with out being boring. The title is just readable but the other writing is quite small. I really like it and it seems to relate well with the story.

Title: I really like one word titles, or at least short ones. This is memorable and doesn't have a sense of werewolf to it which is good.  

Summary: It is short snappy and to the point. I like it however I would like to know a bit more of the plot but it's nice and draws you in.


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