Interview with Smilies

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Q: In Phantasia you really capture the parent-child relationship, did you structure it on your own arguments with your mothers or was it from somewhere else?

A: Haha, actually nearly all of the things between Marixa and her mom are similar with me and my own. We don't really argue as much as Marixa and her mom, but we do have our fights. (like any normal mother and daughter. xD) My mom's always pestering me about my messy bedroom, but she doesn't really care about how well I play in band since she's not a musician, unlike Marixa and her mom. :P

Oh that's cool, it felt so real I like how you bring a bit of yourself into Maxria.

Q: How did you come up with the name Phantasia?

A: I went and translated a bunch of words to latin that I liked, and then "Fantasy" translated into "Phantasia" and that's where it all started.

I do the exact same thing. You can get some awesome names form google translator.

Q: Did you construct the world from your own dreams or a mixture of films?

(You can! Especially latin words. lol)

A: Hmm, well James Cameron's Avatar was an influence on the "island" things, and I can't really say I've actually dreamed anything remotely close to what Phantasia looks like. Most of it is just my imagination. :)

Ahh so it's not you subconscious dream world. Avatar is a cool film I can see why it inspired some aspect of your world.

Q: Why did you decide to put dragons in your story?

A:Because dragons are freaking awesome. Haha. And also, what's fantasy without dragons? Marixa's loves dragons, and flying things, and animals, so of course dragons would be in her dream world. ;)

That is true and you can't beat a good dragon movie/story. Although Marxa's dragons seem to have an unfortunate end.

Q: Your characters names are very unusual. Is there a reason to this? Or did you simply like the sound of unusual names?

A:  Haha…true…it might be revived… I like unusual names.

I just figured since it's a fantasy, it'd be cool to have fantasy-like names.

Oooh hidden meanings, I like it!!

Q: You have many fantasy creators appearing each chapter, how many more are we going to meet and will we see any familiar faces (e.g. Toothless or Marixa's favourite protagonists)?

A: Hm, I'm not sure if I'm going to include actual characters from other books/movies since I'm not quite sure about copyright over other people's character, so I'm most likely going to leave those sort of things out of the story. But there'll be more fantasy characters! :)

Yay!! I love fantasy characters, I am sure they will be awesome. One last question.

Q: What is your favourite thing to write about in Phantasia?  

A: Ugh, I can't think of just ONE thing. But um…I really like writing about the world, and doing world-building and all that because it's a land of fantasy, and there's no limit to what can happen, so I enjoy writing about Marixa's and her mother's encounters in Phantasia. :)

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.


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