His Siren Girl by Liviamay

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Genre: Adventure, Fantasy.

Status: On going

Rating: 10/10


Echo is a curious siren, but at the same time she's unhappy. Destined to be mated with someone whose an complete arse, she has no idea how he is considerable suitable for any mer. Stuck in her stubborn ways, she leaves home only to be caught in a fishers net. Her siren blood running cold in her veins the higher the net rises, is only the start of destiny taking its course.

Orion, the hunter, nearly a mortal has sailed the ocean seas for over a millennium now. Slaughtering those who get in his way, whether it is figuratively or physically. He has no care for life on this dreadful realm he was cast to, even when a girl is miraculously cast on his ship deck. Her beauty undeniable drawing, yet incomparable to that of the goddess haunting his every thought.

He never considered the idea of caring for anyone but himself.

And maybe Echo should have been more careful when wishing.

Destiny cannot be denied once it is decided so what will happen once its threaded path is complete?

**Warning may contain spoilers**

This story leaves you speechless, aching and yelling for more. It is by far one of the best stories I have ever read – honestly. It evolves around a siren, called Echo and her quest for adventure, pirates and some awesome mythology. When Echo is pulled aboard Orin’s ship she finds that exploration she was craving  but things don’t go as planned.

Liviamay is able to capture the truth about merpeople and I really feel that they could live in our world, Echo’s little snide remarks are perfect and her thoughts are exactly how you would imagine merpeople to think. I have to admit while reading the first chapter I wasn’t sure how Echo would be on her own, I wasn’t that keen on her, but through out the next chapters you learn to really like her!

Orion is an epic immortal pirate captain who has some tough layers that make you want to know so much more. When Liviamay writes from his POV you can really dive into his thoughts, which I love. I must say he turns out to be quite cruel but it kinda works and I like the relationship he has with Echo.

You also have some cool other characters that add to the story. We have Orion’s brother Adonis; Echo’s bestfriend and possible love interest Zale and Artemis who was once a lover of Orion (although we only meet her through Orion’s memory). They all give a special depth to the story and I really want to know more about them all. I hope we get a POV from Adonis in a future chapter.

The plot line is slowly taking form, but I like how we are still ignorant to certain facts that are nudging at the back of my mind every time I read a chapter.  I cannot put into words just how awesome this story is. Just read it now because I don’t think you have lived until you read it – trust me.

Cover: Perfect, it fits really well with the story. It has the actors which the writer sees as her characters and it has a great feel to it.  

Title: Again I love short titles and it doesn’t put you off, in fact it draws you in and you want to know more.

Summary: Personally, I don’t really like her summary (I am sorry don’t hate me *puppy dog eyes*) For me it doesn’t parallel the perfect story, it misses the perfection the novel does – this is just my opinion, I simply don’t want you to be put off by it.


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