Interview with Etcetra

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Q: What made you want to write a werewolf story?

Well, I think it was mostly about how interesting I could get the characters to be. I mean, the idea that you could have such interesting creatures with so much lore around them, and also have characters that suffer because of it seemed a bit enticing to me. I kind of like to push their limits.  I'm also just very comfortable with werewolves. I've written them before, and I love to experiment with them.

Yeah werewolves are definitely  interesting creators to write about, and it certainly adds to your story.  

Q: At the moment I feel that all three characters, we have met, are you main protagonists. Is that how you wanted the reader to feel or is one the main character to you?

Yeah. I definitely wanted the reader to understand each character individually, and feel for them in different ways. And also to see the story in the eyes of each of them. I feel like it's important to understand how differently each character reacts to certain situations, the situation in question being (as of right now) Jack Reece's disappearance. So, yeah. I really think that each of them are equal in my eyes when it comes to who's a protagonist, though we may be seeing from Ford and Noelle's eyes more often.

I understand that and I really like having more that one view point it adds great depth to your story!

Q: Who is your favourite character and why?

Um. . . that's really hard to answer because I love them all so much. But I guess when it comes down to it, it has to be Noelle, because I tend to identify with her most. She's one of the characters that's interesting in a more quiet sort of way, too, and I love writing that.

Hehe sorry, it was a hard question, I don't think I could choose between all my characters.

Q: Your characters are really believable, did you model them on people you know?

Hah. It's fine. I like difficult questions.  

Yes! I was actually wondering if you were going to ask that because I tend to take a lot from other people. Noelle most of all, probably. A lot of her character is (and this may sound cheesy) themed off of my grandmother. Both Dean and Ford have a bit of real people in them, but not quite as much as Noelle.

Grandmother? Never heard that one before I like it!

Q:  If you could choose another category to place Clearwater where would it be?

Um, probably adult fiction, or contemporary. I know it would still stand on its own without werewolves, but I never really know. I guess it has enough relationships in their to be considered romance as well.

Cool so your going to explore their relationship, I can’t wait!

Q: What is your favourite thing to write about in Clearwater?

Thank you!

Well, I think it would be too obvious for me to say the characters because it's obviously a very character-oriented story. But a close second to that would be the plot, and mystery. There are lots of things about Jack Reece's disappearance that are going to come in to play, and when they do lots of new things are going to happen. There are a couple of characters coming in because of it too, and that's what I really love writing.

Ahh it sounds awesome!  

Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.


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