Chapter 29

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Mary's POV

A loud noise fills my ears way too early, causing me to wake up in annoyance. 

In fact, I completely forgot my current situation and almost thought that I was dreaming. But everything that happened last night flooded my memories as soon as I fully woke up: Kevin. The fire. And us being arrested.

"Wake up!", a guard with a megaphone began walking up and down the aisles. His voice echoed as he began to walk towards the opposite end of the prison.

My teeth begin to chatter and I bring my knees up to my chin. Looking out the window, I can see that the sun has barely begun to rise and the moon is still visible in the colorful sky. It's such a beautiful day....

The clock on the wall reads 6:30 A.M and Pam has already begun getting out of bed, folding her sheets very neatly.

"Oh good, you're up.", she greets me with a smile,"The guards aren't easy on the newbies, so you shouldn't make it harder for yourself by sleeping in. By the way, they left you clothes, a toothbrush, comb."

"Why do they wake us up so early?", I go to the corner by my side of the cell and pick up the prison uniform, grimacing at the sight. It's gray, long sleeve shirt and matching sweatpants.

"To put us to work.", she shrugs her shoulders and begins to brush her teeth.

"What is this, boot camp?", I take off my clothes and slip on the uniform.

"Oh, I wish.", she sighs,"It's a little worse than that, sweetheart. But you'll get used to it. I have. I've been here for 5 years. I'll be here for 15 more."

"Wh-what?", I hesitated,"What did you do? If you don't mind me asking."

She laughs and looks at me in the mirror,"My husband and I didn't get along very well. He was a Narcissist. One day, I just couldn't take any more of the constant egotism. Everything had to be about him. He was so selfish. I'd rather him be I made that happen."

My eyes widened,"...Uh...are you good with weapons?"

"Oh no!", she laughs again,"I poisoned him. But enough about me. Why are you here?"

"My husband.", I begin to brush my hair,"His name is Kevin. He burned down the old church. When I found him, it was too late. And they arrested us both. If they find evidence that I'm innocent...then I'm free to go...But Kevin...."

I close my eyes and force myself to take deep, slow breaths so I don't begin to cry.

Because, whether I like it or not, our marriage is over. Even if I'm not in jail, he still will be. And I don't even know how long he'll be in there for.

"Ah, so you don't belong here.", she nods her head,"Is this his first offense?"

I purse my lips,"...No.'ve probably heard of his first offense...It was a school shooting years ago. Does the name 'Khatchadourian' ring a bell?"

Her eyes widen and she covers her mouth,"KK." 

KK was Kevin's nickname in the tabloids while he was still dealing with all of his fame for his murders. More like infamy.

"Yes...", I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek,"I'm an idiot for marrying him. But it's all over now."

Pam quickly comes over to console me,"Oh, quit your crying, dear. I married a Narcissist. And I killed him. At least you have enough decency to admit to your mistakes before it's all too late."

"Thank you.", I smile and squeeze her hand. 

"Hurry up!", the guards came and unlocked our cell, ordering us to march to, what I assume are the showers from the sounds of water splashing onto the floor coming from the other side of the prison.

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