^Once upon a time^

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So, I LOVE  this show so- much

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So, I LOVE this show so- much. But maybe that's because I love fantasy and fairy tales. But normally I don't shows with drama but this has a nice enough balance that I'm okay with it.

Okay, summary time. So Emma is the main character who is the daughter of Snow-white and Prince Charming. But because of the evil queen she has to go to our world, instead of the 'fantasy ' one. (Because of a curse) she finds Neal (Neal,Neil,Neel? Idk) and has a kid named Henry who unites her and the fairytale crew' . The rest is drama filled goodness-

Would recommend for people who like fantasy and drama :D

(P.S. will talk about more later)

-fairytale fan (that also includes the anime xD)

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