^How I met your mother^

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Soooo, I said I'd review more stuff and it's been like what, a month now? Idk but anyways, might as well actually kept my word.

So I don't know if this show is still popular or not because it's been a few years and the whole debacle with the ending, which I won't mention but vaguely talk about.

Personally I think this show is amazing and I'd definitely pick it as a favorite of mine, but how some of it is portrayed is kinda... meh. I love the comedy of the show, I think that's golden, but some other aspects are hit or miss. If you've watched the show, I'm talking about the ending buds. *activating vague mode*

I get what the ending was trying to do, it was trying to tie the whole series with a nice little surprise (or not so surprise) and hint at love at first sight or something similar. But just, the way it got there, I don't know but it felt unnatural and forced. I mean they ——— the ——— just so that Ted could ——— with ———. Who mention several times over that it just wouldn't work, oh and don't get me started on ——— and B———'s relationship.

I loved that couple and thought they'd in a way fix each other over time, I thought they were the perfect partner in crime duo, but then all of a sudden they can't handle it and separate? I mean, surely he and she could've predicted the struggles that come with moving around from place to place for work, but apparently they didn't and it all just died after what, three years? It also peeved me how he went back to his ways afterwards, I know it was probably a coping mechanism but still, dude omg.

On a side tangent about ———, I loved how at the end another chance popped up for him even if it was unintentional. Although it wasn't with ———, I think it felt right for him.

I have nothing to say about Marshall and Lily (I'm saying their names because I think you can gauge this even if you watched only a season or so,) after all they're the OTP of the show. They had there ups and downs, but that was so their relationship could progress and become stronger, and although I guess that's predictable, I still felt like it was endearing.

I'm not exactly sure what to end with but let me say this, I loved who ended up being the mother and I wish they could've ended the show a tad differently, tweaked some things but otherwise it's nostalgia for me and a great laugh.

9/10 would recommend

-Nostalgia lover

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