*Otaku Parents*

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Yup, that's right.

So story time- once upon a time my parents watched anime in the 1990's or something, before they officially got married. And so when I was born in the 2000's they watched it when I was around. Speaking of which my first anime convention was when I was 1 year old. So I don't remember it 😅 So most of my childhood involved anime, and at one point I absolutely hated it because they watched it so much. (Try and guess when Karina 😉)

Of course though certain animes I'll never forget, but it's sorta sad that I don't even know my first anime.

The plus side is I don't have to worry about them not agreeing to anime stores, cosplays, movies and conventions or even a Crunchyroll membership :D but- the thing that I hate about it that not anyone besides (who I know of) my sister has this experience' with me. But she can agree the worst thing no one would guess is when your family watches the anime without you -^- like they watch a few episodes and then you just can't let go of it- and then they just watch it by themselves. Like SAO , we originally watched it together , but then my parents watched it- then just my dad and eventually I didn't like it because we were left out.

Now- I'm finally watching it, and from the very beginning (again) by myself do I can actually enjoy it.

The other worst thing is when it's a *awkward* anime/scene , like umm- romance and crushes (my dad makes me watch those and it's - ughhh- >~<) or scenes where they're bathing but it's censored somehow, then it's weird , which Is why I prefer to watch it alone- so I can fangirl and comprehend it by myself.

So I know (from what I see online) not many can relate to this, but you know what the heck- it's a review book- might as well 'review' my parents.

-Family of Otaku's

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