*Got tagged*

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Sooo- this is my first tag. So I decided to put it here xD

(Tagged by: QueenOfAnime1100 )


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Okie- here I go!

1.wait- the Chinese on or the other one?
Because Monkey, Libra

2.okay, for this one here's some background. I'm (technically half-) Mexican and my parents can fluently speak English and Spanish, for some reason I never picked Spanish up. To me overall I find it disconnecting from my history and would love to know how to speak, read and write it. Even today, (literally today) another Mexican person started a conversation with me -in Spanish. And guess what? I couldn't speak back. So I stood their awkwardly before she asked "you can't speak Spanish?" I nodded and she didn't try to talk to me again... (but luckily I still have a chance to learn it- so it's not to late :])

(Wow that was a long one-)

3.my mom-
Because she's a person who's nice but the kind you don't want to push over that edge. She's a relatable person so I get along with her (even more) and I'm told that I look like a mini her? So I guess I better like her anyway xD

4..... is it a answer to say I almost never bake?
   Like the only thing beside cookies in 2nd grade that I've baked is a cinnamon twist.

5.Elizabeth - this is actually the name my dad chose for me but my mom turned him down saying "it sounded like a old persons name" but I actually don't mind it- my middle name from this is Elise, so Elizabeth and the nickname of Elise

6 no... not longer for 3 seconds anyway....

Okay- now for the rest!

Okay- now for the rest!-----------------

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7. Presentations in school- were my face/ voice is recorded (or I have to say it live) . Like seriously the stress from those KILL ME - what did I do to deserve this?!

The worst part is I have one tomorrow... wish me luck...

8.no- I like it where I live and politics as a job is not for me.

9.hmmm- language. That sounds boring but hear me out. I like reading and writing, and like before would love Spanish, and I like anime- and manga (and Vocaloid) even if I can't understand it. So it's sorta a jumble, I Love music but I also like all the different languages, and would love to learn them :D

10.hmmmm- people with a lasting friendship, or best friend twins- or bilingual people, or people who know their talent(s)

( I swear I'm not a jealous person..)

11.okay- can we point out the fact she put "anime too read" *anger intensifies *
Okay, I have lots of favorites (to many) but here;
Manga- Kamichama Karin , Kagerou daze, and the Vocaloid ones (sry I don't read that much manga)

Anime-chobits, shuffle, norigami, baka and test , Fruits Baskets, Mekakucity Actors, and that's all I can think of for now.

12.UGH- these are my 3 favorites...
Okay I like volleyball because it's a sport I'm semi good at- my mom used to play beach volleyball so it gives me a sense of 'proudness'

Swimming, if it's for fun because I love the water and the sounds it makes( is that weird?), and overall just love swimming.

Basketball I'm semi-good at because I'm a tall ( apparently)person so I have a better chance to score, and I like the dribbling and all that.

So it depends on for fun, or competitive but volleyball for competitive
And swimming for fun
(Sorry that's as far as I could break it down XP)
And that's it.

.--. Derp


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