~Self inflicted-Achromatic~

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Ahh, why I do this to my self and listen to songs like this I don't know. I guess it just feels nice to relate to something for once and now I just want to 'feel' more of that..?

Anyways here's the song

I really like the English cover (shocking right..?) and it just feels like it has more emotion in it.

The song has a nice sorta slow and relaxing tone the whole song and it even without lyrics, gives off that.. feeling I guess.

The lyrics are another thing too, again relatable  and the translation Juby did is honestly my favorite, I feel like she did a great job :]

If you didn't know Juby(Phonic) is the person who sings the song, and covers many other Vocaloid songs too *cough she'll-appear-again-later cough* She just seems too put so much emotion into her songs and this is actually the way I found out about the song, along with many other songs she does.

I mean the Miku versions good, but of course nothing can pour as much emotion into the song as a actual -person.

Anyways, overall relatable and relaxing :)

*Miku's version*

•Song I'd probably use to describe how I feel Right now and have for a bit-•

-Some one please make a Beatmap of this song for Osu

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