~Flash of light~

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A/N: Another killugon story (˜้ีᆸ ˜้ี ;)
Cold winter air encompassed the room harshly. The tree near the house outside kept hitting the window in a irregular fashion as the wind continuously agitates it. The disarray of sounds and temperature refuse to allow Gon to sleep as his eyes irritatingly shot open, blinking a couple of times to perfect his vision.

Gon steadily sat upright and looked throughout his room.

The room was entirely pitch black in exception of the moonlight that seeped through the window providing very little light source. As Gon viewed out his window, in the corner of his eye he saw a outline of a human dart past.

His heart beat escalated knowing that he was left alone at home. His aunt and grandma were out at a  different island for 3 months on vacation and Gon promised to hold down the fort.

Gon slowly dragged his feet off of the bed and landed them on the the frigid wooden floors bringing small electric shocks to his sole. The ground creaked from his mass.

Gon went towards the fishing pole that leaned against the closet door. He picked it up by the handle and placed the new weapon near his chest. He left his room and maneuvered through the corridors of his home, arriving quickly to the entrance door.

Slowly turning the knob the door audibly clicks open. As he presses further on it he was greeted with the unkind winter air. The snowfall was still going strong and a thick white blanket was being created before his eyes. A sound of rustling grew near as Gon saw a shadow lurking from the bushes.

"Who are you?!" Gon yelled squeezing the handle of the fishing pole tighter.The rustling stopped as a small figure came into view and grew larger as it went closer. "Stay where you are!" Gon said pointing the front of the pole at the silhouette.

To Gon's suprise they did what they were told. Amber eyes looked for snow boots on the porch, glancing at the figure constantly to make sure no movement was being made.

They remained still.

Gon found them and hurriedly placed them on, grabbing a flashlight from the steps of the porch. He waded into the snow that covered him up to his knees. He was shivering for the only thing he wore was a light t-shirt and pyjama pants that are now getting soaked from the snow that melted from Gon's heat. As Gon came closer he turned on the flashlight and pointed the light on the silhouette. It was of a boy around his age.

His face was flush, His hair camouflaged the snow that gathered on the ground, and his eyes were of a azure which squinted from the brightness that flashed on them.

Gon immediately took the light off him. "Sorry!" he blurted out sheepishly, turning off the flashlight. Amber eyes inspected the boy further and noticed that chills covered his skin.

"Oh! I bet your cold come on." Gon took the boy's hand which felt limp and frozen in his. Gon tugged him along through the snow into his home. He briskly closed the door behind them to stop the wind from entering.

Gon rubbed his hands together and brought it to his mouth, exhaling a warm breath to heat them up. "It's freezing isn't it?" Gon mentioned, glancing at the boy before he went to the thermostat, fingers turning the dial slightly. The only response he got was the sound of shifting of the boy's feet. Gon looked over at the other who was looking down at the floor making his expression hard to read.

"Nee, what's your name?" Gon softly said as he walked close to him and squatted down so that the snowy-haired boy was looking at him instead of the ground.

Azure eyes evaded Gon's gaze as a tinge of red began to rise to the boy's cheeks.


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