First Friend

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Smoke holding traces of seasoned ash drifted into Gon's nose, unintentionally causing it to slightly wiggle from side to side. A familiar warmness overcomes him. He was home. Amber eyes sprung open as it was met with the roaring fireplace.

-How did I get here?-

Gon turned his head straight from it's side to see Killua obstructing the view of the ceiling. Cerulean eyes had a hint of guilt to them as they shifted to the fire once noticing that Gon was staring at him. "Sorry." He muttered, scooting a few inches away to give the boy more room.

The crackling of the firewood was the only sound that fell between the two. Gon sat up and glanced down to see that his clothes are different from when he went outside. Did Killua change them? He looked up to see that the boy helped himself to more of Gon's clothes as he changed himself as well. The silverette was silently staring at the wooden floor as if he was deep in thought. "The blood I saw." Gon spoke up. Killua's head tilted up, fingers twitching from the sudden comment. "Did you get hurt? How? Where is the wound?" Gon leaned forward as he threw his questions up in the air concerned for the others wellbeing.

Killua doesn't get it. No idiot would help a person who almost killed them, or maybe Gon was an idiot. He didn't seem to have any ill intentions. Gon coming outside in the dead of winter to help him proved that. Killua rolled his shoulders before he parted his lips. "My family are elite assassins that kill for pay." He began as he retracted his claws from one hand. "We have a high bounty on our heads that could set someone up for life. Lifetimes even. So…" Killua said before he withdrew his claws. "That's why I was attacked." He ended darkly, lifting up the hem of his shirt where a large gash was seen just below his ribcage that was still fresh. Eyes fixated on Gon awaiting a reaction regarding him being an assassin. No words have been exchanged for about  a solid minute. Did Gon even hear him? Instead the boy gave Killua a blank gaze as though he was still processing everything. Gon's face was soon flooded with worry as his mouth slowly gaped to let out a small gasp.

-I knew it was to good to b-

"We have to disinfect it!" Gon abruptly leaped up and sprinted to the bathroom to get the first aid kit, stumbling a bit on the way. The sounds of rummaging soon escaped from the room as he searched through the cabinets and drawers.

Killua blinked as Gon left in a blur. Gon doesn't care that he's an assassin? Gon definitely is an idiot.  He soon came back and plopped himself near Killua, carefully setting his materials on the floor. Gon gingerly tended to the boy's wound as Killua stared at him in disbelief. He's weird. But a good kind of weird, Killua believes. Maybe he can make a friend out of Gon, or perhaps he's getting ahead of himself. He did just met Gon after all. He probably doesn't even want to be his friend anyway. Killua sighed.

Gon quickly took his hand off Killua. "I'm not hurting you am I?" He uttered.

Killua shook his head. "I'm fine. I've been through worse." He said. Gon nodded before continuing. "I'm just thinking." Killua suddenly admits.

Curiosity danced across Gon's face. "About what?" He questioned playfully, finishing his work by wrapping a bandage around Killua.

"About things." Killua blushed. He didn't know why he was acting all weird to a person he just met. Maybe Gon placed a curse on him.

"What things?" Gon pushed forward as a pout formed on his lips. "Tell me? Please?" He dragged out.

Killua internally groaned. "About you…" he finally mumbled.

"What about me?" Gon questioned again.

Killua felt like he was in a interrogation room."You-" Killua started as he pointed a finger to Gon and then turned it to himself."-and me. Friends?"  Killua looked as though he was a cavemen trying to get his point across.

Gon dissolved into laughter as tears sprung from his eyes. Killua's cheeks was stained red as his eyes harshly fell to the floor wanting to evaporate into thin air. "Yes!" Gon bubbled  causing Killua to look up with new hope. Gon inched over to Killua before taking both of his hands into his."You would be my first friend!" He smiled.

Cerulean eyes looked down at their joined hands.

-You're my first too.-

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