Ch. 5

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A/N I just realized I never put in a disclaimer I'm sorry, well anyway better do it now. All these characters belong to the wonderful Rick Riordan. I do not own any of these characters thank you very much. Also, this chapter is going to be short I have a ton of homework. Enjoy!

Leo POV:
Leo hopped out of his aunt's car and rushed up the stairs. He pulled his backpack off his shoulder and tossed it into the corner of his room. He flopped onto his bed smiling like an idiot. Why am I so happy about getting his number?
It's probably because you like him.
No, I don't. Leo went back and forth arguing with his own subconscious. He looked at the clock. 3:20 Leo decided he had waited an appropriate amount of time before he texted Nico. He pulled his smartphone out of his bag and unlocked it. He entered Nico's contact information into his phone.
You: Hey, this is Leo.
Leo decided to keep it plain and simple. He stared at the sent text waiting for a reply.
No less than two minutes later Nico texted back:
Nico: Hey.
Leo was trying to think of something to say. The longer he waited the more awkward it got.
You: Do you want to come over to my house and hang out?
Leo was nervous for Nico's response. Every second that he was waiting for Nico's reply felt like a year.
Nico: Sure. What's your address
Leo let out a sigh of relief and texted Nico his address
--------Time skip-------
Nico POV:
"Persephone, I'm going out!" Nico called with one foot already out the door.
"Where are you going, when will you be back, and do you need a ride?" Persephone answered speed walking over to catch him before he left.
"I'm going to a friends house, I'll be back before dinner, and his house is right down the street so I don't need a ride," he said stepping out the door. "Bye!"
Nico walked quickly down the street desperate to escape any more questions. As he walked he wondered what Leo had planned for them to do, although he wouldn't put it past him to not plan anything.
It was about 3:35 when Nico arrived at Leo's house. He was impressed by how pristine it looked on the outside. The grass was freshly cut, the bushes trimmed into perfect shapes, and the beautiful white house was perfectly bright in the sun. After admiring the flowers, which were almost as breathtaking as Persephone's, Nico stepped up to the door and rang the bell.

Leo POV:
Leo had told his Aunt Rosa that he was having company over. Needless to say she wasn't too thrilled. He and his aunt have a rocky relationship because she thinks Leo is a devil child and blames him for his mother's death. He had to promise to do the dishes for a month straight convince her. As he heard the doorbell ring his heart filled with joy. He raced to the door and almost pulled it open right away, but stopped to compose himself. Finally, he opened the door and there stood Nico. He proceeded to stare for a while, realize he was staring, blush furiously, and stutter out an invitation to come in. Smooth, Leo he thought sarcastically, real smooth.

All That is Gold - A Leico/Valdangelo fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now