Ch. 13

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!!!!!IMPORTANT A/N: I'm currently writing another story (not fan fiction, sorry) and I really want my main character to be gender fluid, but I'm not sure how to really portray that in writing. So, if anyone is gender fluid or knows someone who is who would be down to help me out with that, please pm me or something. (wow that was probably run-on sentence) Anyway, this is a short chapter sorry I've just been kinda stressed. Enjoy!

~Mel ❤️

Nico POV

Leo: Y wer U not @ lunch today?

You: I was sitting somewhere else

Leo: Kool Y?

You: Do you have to type like that?

Leo: Lyk what?

You: ... okay nevermind

Leo: Well anywy wht i ws goin to say ws Jason is hving a prty & we R invited

You: I don't really like parties so I don't think I'm going.

Leo: Pwease 4 meee uwu                         (A/N that was physically painful for me to write)

You: Fine I'll go one one condition.

You: NEVER type "uwu" again.

Leo: Ha ha gotcha!

You: *rolls eyes* So, when is this party.

Leo: Friday nite... which is tomrow. N dont try 2 mke n excuse i kno damn well tht ur not doing anythin ur the mst antisocial persn i evr met

You: Well you got me there... I'm surprised you even know how to spell 'antisocial' considering your appalling grammar.

Leo: -_- F U

You: Heh see you tomorrow

Leo: Pwease dont lweave...

You: ... what did I say about uwu

Leo: :p

     Nico threw his phone onto his bed and flopped down on the black duvet. A smile spread across his face. He didn't like parties. But this one was the first one he had ever been invited to. And it was Leo that invited him. His pulse quickened at the thought. There was no denying it now, Nico di Angelo had a huge crush on Leo Valdez.

~Magical Time Skip~

      The door to his room flung open and Nico tossed his backpack onto his bed. Tonight was the party and Nico couldn't wait. He pulled out his phone and opened Pinterest. He wanted to wear something cool, but casual and he didn't trust his own fashion sense. After about an hour of scrolling, he finally gave up and put on a light grey t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and a green army jacket. He still had three hours until he was supposed to walk to Leo's house so they could go to Jason's house together. He played back on his bed and put his headphones on. He closed his eyes and blasted Fall Out Boy to pass the time.

     Nearly 3 hours later Hazel knocked on Nico's door. "Ready to go?" she asked.

     Nico practically leaped up, but calmed himself at the last second. He casually stood up and stretched. "Yeah, I guess. Let's get this over with," he said hiding his excitement. Hm, I should get an Oscar.

     Hazel just smiled and rolled her eyes. "Don't be like that, I know you'll have fun. Now let's go," she said and walked out the door.

      Nico stepped up onto the pristine porch and rang the doorbell. He rocked back and forth on his heels with his hands jammed into his pockets.

     The door opened to reveal a grinning Leo. He was wearing an unbuttoned red flannel with the sleeve rolled up over a white shirt. His hair was gelled which made him look sort of like a character in Grease.

     "You ready?" Nico asked.

     "Yeah sure let me just grab my jacket." Leo replied and turned around back into the house.

     Then, Nico heard something that made his stomach drop.

      "Hey Cali, Nico's here," Leo called from inside the house.

All That is Gold - A Leico/Valdangelo fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now