Chapter 10

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A/N Holy shit I'm sorry I just realized that I forgot to post this chapter. Finals may have fried my brain, but at least they're over now. Enjoy!

Nico POV

Nico woke up to the sharp noise of an alarm clock. Ugh, Monday, he thought with disgust, but then he remembered the night before and was excited to see Leo. Although Leo did storm off on him, Nico knew, or he hoped, that it was just because he was having a bad day. He dragged himself out of the bed and pulled out some ripped jeans and a sweatshirt. He lugged his heavy backpack onto his shoulder and made his way downstairs. He saw his father sitting at the table engrossed in the newspaper. Nico made his way to the door, called out that he was leaving, and stepped onto the dull sidewalk on his way to school.


Leo drummed on the desk with his fingers humming quietly to himself. He was in the classroom half an hour before school started only because he had nothing better to do. He couldn't bare to stay at his house after what happened. He thought about last night and felt bad for walking out on Nico, but it is what it is. So here he was, sitting in a desk half an hour early. No one would even be here for a solid 20 minutes. At least, that's what he thought before he heard shuffling.

He looked up from the brown desk to see a beautiful girl walk into the classroom. They made eye contact and Leo immediately looked away. How did he not notice her before? He thought. The girl took a seat at the desk in front of him. Really? Was she really right in front of hm this whole time? Her slightly curly brown hair flowed over her shoulders down to her waist as she took out a notebook and started to write. Leo felt weird for staring, but he couldn't stop. This girl was beautiful, but not in a 'hot' or 'sexy' way, but in a brilliant way. Her beauty was almost like magic. She looked like the kind of person who volunteers at the local animal shelter in her spare time or the kind of girl to be the first friend to the new kid at school, but at the same time she looked like she would fight you any second if you said anything she didn't like. Leo felt like he was in love, which he thought was stupid because he never actually talked to the girl before.

Almost as if she could tell that Leo was staring at her, the girl with the brown hair turned around. "Take a picture, it'll last longer," she scoffed and turned back around.

Leo didn't know what to say. "I... Uhh.. I- What's your name?" he stuttered awkwardly, desperately trying to save his dignity and start a conversation.

The girl turned around and cocked one eyebrow. "Why do you want to know?" She spat.

Leo smirked and leaned forward. "I think you're pretty."

"Thanks," She leaned back, looked him for a second, and then continued, "but I'm not interested." Leo's smirk faltered as he was quite hurt by this. "Well, anyway..." the girl went on, "the name's Cali... well actually it's Calypso, but everyone calls me Cali."

"Cool name," He said lamely.

"Yeah, well I don't like it. My parents are huge Greek mythology nerds and named me after some goddess who got trapped on an island. Which I think is pretty lame if you ask me."

"Wow," he replied," I think that a pretty interesting backstory. And, if you ask me, I don't think it's lame at all. If anything, I have a lame name. I'm just named after my grandpa. Although, I have heard he's a pretty cool guy."

Leo and Calypso went on talking like this making each other smile and laugh. Sometime during their conversation Calypso lost her edge and actually started to get into it. Leo felt like they had a connection. Soon students started to filter into the classroom, but that didn't bother them at all.

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