Ch 16.

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A/N I'm sorry this is really short, but finals are killing me. I only have two days left of school, so I should be able to update more frequently soon. Please enjoy this short and horribly written chapter!

~ Mel ❤️

Nico POV:

     Nico sighed dejectedly. He slowly made his way over to the drink table and wondered if this was a good Idea. Meh, what the hell. He thought. If he was going to stay at the party he might as well have a little fun. He looked at all the alcohol laid out on the table and he was hopelessly lost. 

    Nico took a deep breath and stood up tall. He attempted to make his voice sound mature, but that was pretty much impossible considering he was going through puberty and his voice was cracking every two seconds. he decided to ask a senior, probably one of Thalia's friends, to help him. "Hey, what here will make me the drunkest?" he asked the older guy. 

He just shrugged and handed Nico a pungent smelling cup. "I'm not sure why you're doing this, but good luck," said the dude before turning back around. Nico sniffed the cup before taking a sip. It smelled and tasted like rubbing alcohol. Nico gagged and coughed and decided it might be a better idea to just put the drink down. (A/N don't do the alcohol kids)

     He walked toward the kitchen for no particular reason and saw a golden head of hair floating in the crowd. Nico was so happy that Will was here he actually had someone to talk to. Nico whispered to himself to make sure his words weren't slurred and walked over to Will.

     "Hey Will. I didn't know you were friends with Jason."

     "Well I don't know him too well, but half of our class is here, so I decided to tag along with some of my friends.

     "Oh cool. You like parties?" Nico asked in an attempt to start a conversation. In a sudden rush of courage, Nico grabbed Wills hand and pulled him in, tangling one hand in his hair and placing the other on his bicep. He brought their lips together. Will hesitated for a second and then started to kiss back. A few seconds later, Will broke the kiss.

    "Wait I'm confused. One, aren't you dating Leo? Two, How did you know I was gay?"

     "No, I'm not dating that douche-bag. I never was. And to answer your second question, when I first met you, you were reading They Both Die at the End and you told me that you liked the author. Almost all of his books have gay love interests, so I made an assumption. Now, can we get back to kissing?" Nico said with a smirk enjoying his newfound bravery.

     "We barely know each other."

     "Isn't that part of the fun?" Nico raised his eyebrow. 

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