Chapter Three - Phone

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Gerard Gay gets out his mobile telephone ☎️ and presses the buttons 384-727-6669.

"Ello m8?" Says the tree 🌲 that picks up. "Hi, this is Gayrard Gay and I need your help arresting Ryden, Peterikey and Tony Stark." Mr.Sheriff says. (I am in love with sheriff Gerard I'm sorry I had to make him sheriff in this sOrRy)

"lol k what did they do" the tree replies. "I don't like the song Cell Block Tango but they played and danced to it in Emo Town which is my town and I fucking hate those stupid bitches" Gerard says, screaming into the phone.

Suddenly, another voice joins the call.

"OUI OUI MON AMI JE M'APPELLE LAFAYETTE" the voice says in a French accent. "Sorry I don't speak Esteban Julio Roberto Montoya Dela Rosa Ramirez." Gerard says and hangs up.

☎️👺™👌🐢💱🎶🎵👏👍➕😡©🌲🔝😭🖤🙂🚤➰✔️🔙⚪️®♋️😂🔚🔘✖️😮 (If you couldn't tell those are my last used emojis)


As Elmo was walking through the street, a car hit him and he died.

*wow very sad sorry about that just needed to kill off a character. So sorry to any Elmo fans out there.*

"MOIKI JAMES WAY GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" screeched the emo sheriff. "Boi wyd" Moiki said, as he fucked into Pattycakes while Pete fucked him

Gerard, ignoring the fact that his brother and his two boyfriends were having sex inside of the fridge that they unplugged and knocked over, walked over and stepped on Peter's back, causing all three bois to scream bc Gerard was wearing these boots that had like not spikes but like sharp edges that pushed Pete down into the fridge so that Pattycakes had food molding into his back and Moiki was being squished.

"MR.SHERIFF WHAT ARE YOU DOING M8" screams pattycakes. "lol I don't like cell block tango gay emo fucks" Gerard says.

Then Peterikey got arrested and put in jail and Gerard made them have separate cells so they couldn't have gay sex.

He then arrests Tony Stark and Ryden too

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