Chapter Seven - The Alpaca

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"Boi" says Moiki as Pattycakes drives the car with five seats but like twenty people. "Tf do you want" says Pattycakes "Yuor gouna croush thou caour" "no he's not" says dan. "Yois he ois"

"Ugh" says frnk being a v angsty teen or smth. Gerd then arrests him. "kinky" says Pete "r00d" "youre a dickstain" "Quinn leave" "no lol" "furry" "same"

"Let's go to Taco Bell" says gerd "YAS QUEEN FUCK ME Up TACO BELL BRO HELL YEEEEEE" yells josh "same" says frnk even tho his hands are handcuffed and bleeding

"meeeeehhhh" says the alpaca that strolled up to the car and got on top of it. Gerard got v mad at it and yelled at Pattycakes to stop the car. Pattycakes stopped the car. Gerard punched a hole in the window and jumped out and got on top of the car and arrested the alpaca.

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