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- K O G A N -
I looked up at Parvis, my heart pounding in my throat. Why the hell was he doing this? Was it because of my old girlfriend?
Was it because I was pathetic?
I looked into his eyes, filled with... lust? And regret?
Wow. Never thought I'd see those emotions from Parv.
I just wanted to lean up and kiss Parvis, but then I remembered the knife he was holding at my throat. "Parv? W-why the hell are you doing this?" I choked out.
   I reached to the side for my bass and sucessfully grabbed it in my grasp. "Because I fucking hate you," he snarled, slightly poking my neck with the tip of his knife.
   I didn't deserve Parvis. I didn't deserve his friendship back when I had it.
   And now that was taken away from me.
   "We're in war, Kogan, remember?" He smirked and slowly got off of me. "Come on. Fight me. Fucking fight me."
   "I would never." I stood up, flicking the switch on my bass just incase I had to use it on him. "We used to be friends, remember?"
   Parv grabbed my arm. "You leave me no choice," he growled, starting to drag me up the hill.
"P-Parv? Why the h-hell are you doing this?" I stuttered as he dragged me up the hill.
"Don't call me Parv."
"No buts."
"Parv you're acting a bit st—"
"I'm fine, Kogan."
He drug me up to the top of the hill as Clarke emmerged out of the watchtower. "What the hell Parvis," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking down, "I thought I told you not to get violent."
"Stay out of this, Clarke." Parv shoved his knife back up to my neck, where it previously resided. "Get back in the house. This is between me and Kogan."
"Go back in."
"Fine." Clarke huffed and walked back into the watchtower, slamming the door on the way in.
Parvis grinned, bringing his knife up to my cheek and dragging down. Blood oozed out of my new wound, and the sight of it made me want to belch.
"What was that for?" I asked him, raising my hand to attempt to stop the heavy flow of blood.
"Now you know how I felt when you betrayed me for your girlfriend," he whispered, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "Hurt. Betrayed. I put all of my trust into you and now you're off with her. How many times have you banged in the past week? Seven? Six?"
Why was he thinking this? We broke up after highschool! Even then, why was he so devasted about it?
Did he...
Like me back?
"Actually, I'm not together with her anymore," I told him.
He shoved me down to the ground. "Not together anymore my ass. You're still with her, aren't you?"
"No, I swear."
"I bet you still fuck daily."
"I haven't seen her since college."
"Yeah right."
"Ask Taylor."
"No." He shoved the knife so a tiny portion of it was now in my skin. My breathing increased in fright, and Parvis grinned at the sight.
Heh, that rhymed.
"Parv, please stop," I begged, forcing eye contact with him. "I thought we were friends."
"Don't you understand how much I hurt after you left me for her?!" He shouted, beginning his rant. "Every single god damn day, I was depressed. Lonely. You weren't even there to cuddle when the kids were bullying me! You weren't there at all! Infact, you didn't even talk to me a single time starting the week after you told me you loved me! In a brother way... but that's besides my point!"
By now, his face was stained with tears. "This shit is all about her?!"
"Yes! You treated me like a piece of rubbish after you got with her!"
"Parv I didn't mean to!"
"Didn't mean to my ass!" He pulled me up by my shirt. "And don't call me Parv anymore! You lost the priveledge to call me that long ago!"
"Parv it was all a mistake! I got with the wrong person! I'm sorry!"
"Your apology is like trying to unwrinkle a crumpled up piece of paper," he growled. "You can get it to a decent point, but you can never get it perfectly flat again. That paper will stay crumpled for the rest of its life."
I cupped my hand on his jawline to try and seduce him. "And I'm sorry for that," I whispered, slowly leaning closer, "I truely am. I know I got with the wrong person as soon as I broke up with her, and the person perfect for me was to out of my league to grasp."
He realized what I was doing and slapped me. "What the fuck are you trying to do?!" He spat, pushing me back and out of his grasp, my bass flying out of my hand as I entered flight.
Was this the end? Was this how I wanted my life to end? In a heated argument with my Parvykins, falling to my death?
Apparently so.
The last thing I saw and heard was a shout of my name and Parv's crimson red wings before I hit the earth and the sea of blackness engulfed me.
O shit
Two chapters in 24 hours???!!?!? Holy shit I'm on a roll
Adios 👋🏻

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