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- P A R V I S -
   It was a year since I pushed Kogie off the cliff, and since then a lot has happened.
   The first thing that happened was Taylor and Kogan moved in with us, and we were now on a first name basis (only Kogie and I were going by our nicknames and Tom started going by Sparkles*). We had started using Kogie and Leo's old house as a storage room, and we frequently held parties in the flat land infront of it.
   Another thing that's changed was that we now started communicating more with the rest of the forest. All four of us were close friends with Martyn, a forest elf that loved climbing trees and video games, and Izzy, a water mage that lived by the lake.
   We also started a band called Area 11, because within the first few days, we learned that Leo loved to play the drums... especially at night. We also learned that Sparkles* sung, a thing that he didn't do frequently before Leo came along. I even got out my old electric and started learning again. We made an album called All The Lights in The Sky and a few singles such as The Legendary Sannin and Homunculus. The name Area 11 was based off of our favorite anime, Code Geass.
The last thing that happened was I stopped self harming. And Kogie too. I had stopped a year ago today, and Kogie's first (and last) time was six days beforehand.
The four of us were going out tonight to celebrate four things: Kogie and I's one year anniverary, Speo*'s one year anniversary, and Kogie and I not self-harming for a year.
"Does this look good?" Kogie walked out of the bathroom, straightening out his tie. He was currently in a black tux, a crimson red bowtie placed firmly around his neck.
"Kogie! We're going out for a celebration, not a fancy dinner party!" I walked over to him and placed my lips on his, slithering my arms around his neck so I could take off the bowtie.
I pulled away, the bowtie in my grasp. "Now go change into something more casual! It's just the six of us, not my parents!"
"Correction, eight." Clarke stood in the doorway, on his phone. "Lewis and Simon are coming too."
"Isn't Lewis Izzy's sister?" I asked, pushing Kogie back into the bathroom with a t-shirt and pair of shorts.
"Yeah, he is." Clarke exited the doorway before I could continue.
Okay then..?
"Is this better?" Kogie re-entered the room, shirtless with his shorts on.
"Hot damn." I walked back over to him and put my head on his chest. Kogie was like a giant teddy bear- soft, warm, and cuddly.
   Only this was a better teddy bear. This teddy bear could talk, kiss me, make me feel better when I'm feeling down.
   "I love you, you know that right?" He snaked his arms around me and planted a gental kiss on my forehead.
   "And I love you too." I grinned up at him and tackled him in a kiss, pushing him to the wall. He slid his hands under my shirt threatening to take it off, so I stepped back. 
   "We're going out soon, Kogie," I reminded him, "No time to get sexual until tonight, okay?"
   He blushed as soon as the words came out of my mouth. "S-sexual?!" He stuttered, "What..? I was hinting at that..? Oh shit oh fucking shit—"
   "Babe, it's fine." I reached up and kissed his cheek.
   Thoughts suddenly came rushing into my head. Somehow, throughout this year, I had gotten back in contact with my sister Kassandra and we talked almost everyday. She currently lived with Izzy by the lake, so if I ran there now...
   "You okay babe?" Kogie pulled me in even tighter.
   "Uhh, I uhh, need to go somewhere real quick."
   I ran straight out of the room and down the stairs, almost bumping straight into Clarke who was looking at a... ring? In a black velvet box?
   Since when..? How had I not heard of this before?
   "Help." I clamped Clarke's wrist in my grasp and started dragging him outside.
   "What the hell Parv!" He screamed, "Where the fuck are you taking me?!"
   "To Kassandra's place. I need you two's help." I started sprinting to the lake. Clarke stood there for a few seconds before finally recognising my plan and running after me.
   Once I got there, I let myself in to see Izzy at her desk, twisting a dark blue liquid in her hands. "She's in her room," She told me, sight never leaving the strange substance floating between her hands.
   "How did you know—"
   "I recently aquired the power to see into the future." The color of her eyes flickered for a second, going to a bright aqua hue instead of the dark blue they usually were. "It's not really that difficult, just gotta have a lot of experi—"
   "Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah thanks a lot." I ran up the stairs to Kassandra's room and knocked on the door three times.
   "Come in!" She yelled from the inside, banging a hammer on something.
   I opened the door, and Kassandra was at her desk, like Izzy, but instead of doing something with some strange liquid she was doing something with a piece of metal. No clue what or why...
   But she's Kassandra.
"Hey Parv!" She greeted, turning from her work and waving at Sparkles* and I, "Hey Sparks*! What brings you two here?"
"Parv's hand." Sparkles* laughed.
"Actually, I like really need your help with something."
"With what?" Kassandra raised an eyebrow at me.
I took a deep breath before continuing. I really wanted to do this, like really, so I couldn't fuck it up at all.
"I wanna propose to Kogie. Tonight."
- K O G I E -
It was just mere minutes after Parv left and now I was laying on the bed, my shirt now on. "You okay?" Leo asked me, walking in the room.
"Just worried about Parv, that's all."
"He grabbed Sparks* and ran out. No clue why."
"Maybe he's planning something."
"Maybe." He sat down on the bed next to me. "So... you ready for tonight?"
"Totally. Even though I'm gonna get drunk as fuck and probably burn something down, knowing me."
A few hours later, the sun was setting and it was almost time for us to leave. That was the time Parv and Sparkles* finally returned.
"Parvie baby!" I yelled, hugging him as soon as he entered and kissing him on the forehead, "Where the hell were you?!"
"At Kassandra's place." He kissed me back lightly on the lips. "I needed her help with something for tonight. It's a surprise though. Sssssh."
"You always do this to me!" I pouted, "Always planning surprises and never telling me what they are until like the second beforehand."
"That's because I love you and don't wanna ruin the surprise for you."
"So you guys ready or would you rather go fuck?" Leo stood by the doorway, Sparkles*' hand in his grasp.
"Lets go."
Minutes later, we arrived at the lake to the sight of Izzy, Kassandra, and Martyn sitting around the fire, a bottle of some sort of alcohol in their hands. "Hey guys!" Izzy waved, "Ready to get drunk as fuck?"
   "Yeah." Parv and I sat down on the grass next to Izzy and took a drink out of the cooler, popping them open and taking a swig each.
   Sparkles* and Leo sat down on the opposite side of the fire next to Martyn and grabbed a beer each.
   Well tonight was gonna be fun, with the nine of us prancing around drunk.
   "Where are Lewis and Simon?" Leo asked, opening up his own beer and taking a swig.
   "On their—"
   "BOO!" Lewis slapped his hands on Izzy's shoulders and made her scream. The remaining eight of us that weren't pissing our pants were laughing our asses off.
   "Now that wasn't very nice, was it?" Izzy turned around and lightly slapped Lewis.
   "I love you too."
   Izzy turned back around and flipped Lewis the bird.
   At that same moment, Parv cuddled into my side. "I love you," he whispered, looking as adorable as ever.
   "I love you too." I snaked my arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer.
   "Fucking Pargie, I ship it." Izzy took another swig of her drink. Well, I think we all knew who would be drunk first.
   "Izzy, you're gonna get fucking drunk within the first hour," Kassandra laughed, "Stop."
   "Well what if I don't want to?" Izzy pouted, then took the last sip, throwing the can behind her and reaching for another one. 
   Kassandra pulled her back before she could reach the cooler. "Izzy, that's your third one tonight," she smiled, "You need to stop."
   "Gimmie!" Izzy tried prying Kassandra's hands off of her, but to her despise, she couldn't get them off. "Fucking hell Kassandra, just let go."
   "Fine. Don't come crying to me when you're super hungover in the morning." Kassandra let Izzy go and she immeditely dove towards the cooler, earning a laugh from the eight of us.
  I looked over at Sparkles* and Leo to see them in a simmilar position to us, Leo's arm wrapped around Sparkles* as he was cuddling into his side. "You four should've just stayed home if all you were gonna do was cuddle," Simon chuckled.
   "Says Mr. "My Boyfriend's The Sister of One Of The Attendies So I'm Gonna Invite Myself," Leo grumbled, laying back on the grass, Sparkles* positioning himself so he was now laying on his chest. Parv and I laughed at the comment.
   "So, Parv, the thing." Sparkles* and Parv made eye contact, and Parv nodded, getting up along with Sparkles* and getting something out from behind a tree.
   Turns out, that something was an acoustic guitar and now the two were sat on the grass infront of the fire, smirks on their faces.
   Parv strummed a few chords, then Sparks* started singing.
   I didn't even pay attention to the lyrics. My mind was lost in Parv's guitar playing. He was just so damn amazing in every way. He was cute, cuddly, and he could play the guitar.
   I didn't even care about the scars on his arms from who knows when.
   I still loved him.
   Once the song was finished and my trance was ended, they stood up, making eye contact with Leo and I. "Close your eyes, you two," Parv laughed.
   After a few seconds of rummaging around in pockets and getting situated back on the grass, they told us to open our eyes back up.
   The sight that I saw infront of me was almost too good to be true. Parv was on one knee infront of me, a black velvet box with a ring in it in his palm.
   "You go first." Parv looked over to Sparkles* and our ginger friend took a deep breath before starting.
   "Leo, I know we haven't really been together for that long, but I fucking love you like crazy. We've been through thick and thin together, and ever since you came into my life as more than just a friend, my life's been greater. Happier. I will never forget all the memories I shared with you, all the anime nights on the couch and that one night we—"
   Sparkles* cut himself off before he got any further and everyone burst into a fit of laughter, Izzy being the loudest. Once everyone got calmed down (with a minor exception to Izzy as she was drunk), he continued.
   "So yeah. Basically, I'm just gonna get to my point. Leo George Taylor, will you marry me?"
   Leo couldn't even speak. All he did was nod his head and plant a gentle kiss on Sparkles*' lips.
   And when I say gentle, I mean it was gentle for a second before the kiss got more heated.
   Sparkles* pulled away after about a minute and slid the ring on Leo's finger. They returned to their cuddling position, this time Leo's head lying on Sparkles*' chest instead of the other way around.
   "Okay, going off of what Sparks* said," Parv started, his voice almost melting me, "I know, we've only been together. But we've achieved a lot together within this past year. And I know I pushed you off a cliff a year ago. I'm sorry for that."
   A slight chuckle went around the group and Parv waited for them to quiet down before starting again.
   "But pushing that aside. Kogie, I've always loved you, even since those early highschool days. I missed you when you got your girlfriend. I never truely hated you, I just thought you hated me... and I'm sorry for that. That's why I was so hostile before.
   "Anyways, away from that point and to the question. Will you marry me?"
   I cupped my hands around my mouth, tears of joy streaming down my cheeks.
I stayed up until 4 AM writing this for you guys so I'm sorry if it's a piece of shit
Adios 👋🏻

The Truth Of War || An Area 11 FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin