Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

*Ginny's POV*
I can't get over last night. As Harry said, "It was blissful." And indeed it was. I haven't spent any day, night to be particular, like the one I spent with Harry.

Next morning, I was glowing and my mum noticed it.
"Hun, you are glowing.", Mom said.
"Am I?", I asked as if I don't even know.
"You certainly are, little girl.", dad said.
"Little girl? Dad, I. Am. Not. Little!", I said.
"Of course, dear. Now, eat!", mum said and we all started eating.

I then went to my University, as I parked my car I saw a bunch of junk-- oops! Boys-- standing around a car.
"Lamborghini.", said a boy with black hair, he was handsome but he is not the kind of person I like.

"Lamborghini Hurricane, top model.", I corrected him. Just a logo doesn't describe my car.
"Good choice. I like it, and you.", he said as he walked towards me.

I am certainly not interested. You see, I got a good taste.", I said and walked away.

I walked until I found Mia and explained her my date. She was happier than a fan girl, she was screaming 'Hinny'. Hinny is a new word by my dearest friend, Harry + Ginny = Hinny. Cute!

Classes were normal and that bloke dared not to talked to me. He was in my year but in different stream. Thank god! I wonder what Harry does? I will ask him today--tonight.

After my classes, I went to the hospital and saw Draco approaching me, I instantly started walking to a different direction.
"Ginny! Wait!", he yelled and I stopped.
"What a surprise, Draco?", I said and rolled my eyes.
"There is a call for you.", he said and dialed a number.
"Here she is, mate.", he said and handed me the phone. I was confused but I took it.

"Hello?", I said.
"Ginny Weasley?", a male voice asked.
"Yes. Who is it?", I asked.
"Hi, Ginny. I am Teddy, Harry's friend.", he said.
"Teddy? Harry calls you Ted right?", I asked him.
"He do. Nice to know that he told you about me.", he said.
"Yeah!", I replied.
"It is Harry's b'day on 31st and I need your help!", he said.
"Sure!", I said enthusiastically and heard a chuckle.
"Thank you, Ginny. I was wondering if you can keep him busy from Lunch to maybe 6 pm? Bring him to Potter's cottage. You, make sure both of you are well dressed. Please?", he said.
"Ted, you are brilliant. Of course, I will keep that nerd busy!", I said and he laughed.
"Thank you, Ginn--", he didn't completed his sentence because Draco's phone died.

"Your silly phone ran out of battery.", I said.
"Um, Sorry.", he said and scratched his neck.
I hugged him and pulled back within few seconds.
"Thanks for letting me know about the party, Draco. Now I have to buy myself a new dress and a gift for Nerd. You will cover me?", I plead.
"I will.", he said and grinned. I returned the gesture and left the hospital.

I checked my phone and it was 30. Harry's b'day is tomorrow. I was running, literally running, on the street when someone grabbed my hand and pinned me against the wall. I closed my eyes and started moving my hands and legs violently.
"Gin, ginny, ginny! Its me!", the voice kept saying it. I know this voice.

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a pair of green eyes,behind glasses, looking at me.
"Harry! You stupid nerd!", I said and started beating him with the bag I had in my hand.
"Ginny!", he said between laughs. "Ginny stop."
"You bloody scared me to death!", I said.
"Wow.", he said and laughed. I started hitting him again.
"Okay, okay, I am sorry!", he said and continued laughing. After a few minutes, he stopped laughing and pinned me against the wall.
"Wow, you look amazing in daylight.", he said and I giggled.
"Thank you. What are you doing here?", I asked him.
"Well, I was coming back from my university and saw a beautiful redhead--", I hit him. "Ouch, okay, I was coming back from University and I stopped to buy some food.", he said and rubbed his arm.
"Better.", I said and he stepped closer, and placed his forehead on mine.
"Better.", he whispered and I skipped a heart beat. He placed his right hand behind my neck and his left hand was skimming my side.
"Harry, will you spent a whole day with me? Like a lunch and then a drive and maybe dinner? Tomorrow is your b'day and I want to spent it with you.", I said and he was smiling.
"I will pick you up at 12?", he asked and I grinned.
"You sure that you don't have any plans?", I asked him.
"Nah.", he said.
"Cool. Be in casuals and bring a formal dress.", I said.
"Bring? Why?", he asked.
"I have my plans and I prefer informing it to my date before dragging them with me.", I said and he laughed.
"Okay! What color is your dress?", he asked.
"I was going to buy it when someone dragged me off street.", I said.
"Let me help you?", he asked.
"No! It is a surprise.", I said and pushed him away.
"Bye, Potter.", I said.
"Meet me at the park, Weasley.", he said and I nodded.

We left and I went to the store and saw him behind me.
"Sod off.", I said and he walked away, while he was laughing.

A/N: I need help, I am planning to change the story, the current story is a happy one, and the one I am planning have some sad factors. Which one will be better? Please suggest.
Thank You.

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