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Here are few facts about this story and the characters in it.

10 facts-

✖This book had a sequel named as "Perfect Beau", it was accidentally deleted by me when I was deleting one one the 2 endings I planned.

✖Aiden married Alice Longbottom II after hogwarts.

✖Harry never stopped fangirling.

✖Harry and Ginny had a girl when Aiden was in his third year, they named her Anna.

✖Anna was a witch, she was sorted into Hufflepuff.

✖Aiden had two daughters with Alice, the elder daughter was named after Ginny and the younger daughter after Hannah.

✖Anna never got married, she became a quidditch professional. Aiden became an auror and Alice became a healer.

✖Ginny and Harry died in a car crash months after Aiden's marriage, Aiden raised Anna as his own daughter.

✖Marauders lives till day.

✖Anna adopted dogs, because Aiden was allergic to them.

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