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It's been two years since Jimin and Jungkook started dating. Everything is going well and each day, Jungkook falls for Jimin even more. What can he say, he's just a fool in love.

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"Jiminnie oppa~" Jungkook cringed at the teenage girl in front of them. She was one of those clingy students in Jimin's dance class that Jungkook loathed. She obviously doesn't treat Jimin like a teacher, but a guy that she has a massive obvious crush on that Jimin is too dense to realise.

The class had ended five minutes ago. Jungkook, who helped Jimin co-teach the class, was cleaning up: arranging the wires around the stereos and mopping the floor. Jimin, who often lingered behind to chat with his students about the choreography, stood at a corner surrounded by the females that join his class.

Jungkook wasn't jealous. He wasn't because he knew Jimin wouldn't do anything with those girls. He also knew how oblivious Jimin was to the girl's obvious attempts at flirting with him. He also knew that Jimin would not give a second glance to those girls' low-neckline singlets or thigh-hugging tights.

"Um.. It's not 'oppa', it's 'songsaengnim'." Jungkook chuckled at Jimin's obliviousness. He turned to stare at the girl, hoping she would get the hint, but it seemed that she wasn't giving up easily.

"But we're only a few years apart! So I should be calling you 'oppa'.." The pouting girl suddenly turned to Jungkook and he raised his eyebrow. "Isn't that right, Jungkook oppa?"

Jungkook wanted to laugh. Did she really think he would agree with her?

The students have mostly filed out of the studio, leaving the three of them and a couple who was packing up their stuff. Without much thinking, Jungkook placed the mop to lean against the mirrored wall and walked towards Jimin and the girl.

As soon as he reached the duo, the couple had left and Jimin was staring at him, an eyebrow raised, questioning Jungkook what he was about to do. Jungkook winked at him and turned to the girl with a big smile plastered on his face while wrapping an arm around Jimin's waist and pulling him close.

After two years of being together, Jimin found out Jungkook was really possessive as well as a hell of a tease. Jungkook had slowly eased into a manlier side of himself. And Jimin loved every bit of it, melting at the newly found confidence of Jungkook's.

"I think what Jimin is trying to say is that he's taken," The girl's eyes widened and glanced at the arm around Jimin's waist (which was suspiciously close to the older's crotch) then to the blush on his cheeks then to Jungkook who had on a smug grin.

"Uh.. I'm.. I forgot I have something to do. Sorry!" The girl squeaked and turned, running out of the studio and leaving Jimin and Jungkook.

Jungkook chuckled and Jimin smacked him on the chest playfully, face turning more red. "You didn't need to step in like that. I could've handled it myself." Jimin pouted and Jungkook smiled, kissing Jimin's forehead.

"Aww, but I get jealous, hyung." It was Jungkook's turn to pout and Jimin couldn't stand being mad anymore. He pinched Jungkook's cheeks and wiggled out of his hold so the both of them could finish cleaning the studio up.


Jimin and Jungkook were washed up, changed into formal wear and at Audacieux et Beau, a French restaurant where Namjoon and Seokjin were having their pre-wedding dinner. Namjoon had proposed two months ago and in two days, he and Seokjin would be lawfully wedded.

The dinner was exclusive to the seven friends: to celebrate the engaged couple as well as their second anniversary as best friends. Jungkook was close with them now. In fact, he no longer found them annoying, but found them amusing and would often join in on the pranks of Taehyung, Jimin and Hoseok.

"Smile, Kookie. It's something to be happy about."

And Jungkook could not agree more. Tonight was something to be happy about and it was making him nervous as hell. He had planned to propose to Jimin and the rest were in on his plan. Seokjin, who was ironically the Head Chef of Audacieux et Beau, had baked a cake specially for the seven of them, sliced and were in the fridge to cool. It wasn't a fancy cake, just something special and new that Seokjin had wanted to try.

When Seokjin baked the cake, he had made Jimin's slice separately, placing Jungkook's proposal ring in the middle as a surprise.

"Congratulations, Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung! I can't wait for the wedding day now!" Jimin exclaimed as they arrived to their table, all five of their friends already seated and waiting.

"Congrats, Namjoon hyung and Seokjin hyung. We bought you something but I think you guys should open it after?" Jungkook smirked and winked, causing Namjoon to chuckle and Seokjin to blush.

The rest of their group laughed and the duo got seated. They talked among themselves for a little before appetisers arrived. Then came the main dish and finally, the dessert. Everyone was salivating at it and Seokjin made sure Jimin got the right one, sending Jungkook a smile and a nod. Jungkook returned his gesture and mouthed thank you.

As everyone savoured their cake, Jungkook ate slowly and used his peripheral vision to observe Jimin. Jimin was already in the middle and he was anxious to see Jimin's reaction when he finds the ring. Jungkook turned and focused on his cake, slicing down to the middle so he could eat quicker but stopped when he felt his fork hit something hard.

At the same time, Jimin gasped at his side. He watched as Jimin took out the ring Jungkook had bought while he dug the similar band from his own cake. Shocked evident on both their faces, Jimin and Jungkook cleaned the rings and then glanced at one another.

"You planned this?"

"What is this?"

Both guys said at the same time. The five other friends who were obviously double agents in disguise laughed at their expressions.

"I.. Um.."

Before Jimin could say anything else, Jungkook got out of his seat and dropped down to one knee. He took the ring from Jimin's hands and held Jimin's right hand.

"Jiminnie, before I chicken out, I just want to say you mean the world to me and so much more. Even when you're sick and there's snot dripping down your nose, I'll love you. Even when you're angry and pissed at me, I'll still love you. Even when we're both old and grey, I'll also love you. Will you marry me, Park Jimin?"

Jimin was sobbing and Jungkook was shaking, getting nervous every second Jimin doesn't reply. When Jimin finally nodded and muttered a silent but quiet 'yes', their friends whooped and whistled and congratulated the newly engaged the couple.

Jungkook slipped the silver band onto Jimin's ring finger and Jimin did the same. The two smiled and shared a sweet kiss before returning back to their dinner, happy to be getting a happily ever after of their own.

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