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Time was what Jimin and Jungkook promised one another. They were given time and with the promise of time, they had healed themselves, willing themselves to become better people.

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It has been a year since Jimin and Jungkook decided on spending time apart. The two will admit though. The first few months were rough. After spending so much time together, the sudden absence of one another was kind of depressing and lonely.

The two never contacted one another during the period of separation. Their group split into two. Taehyung and Hoseok were the ones that were always with Jimin and the rest would be with Jungkook. Their friends knew how hard it was and they want to give all the support they could ever give.

"Hey, Kookie? Do you ever think about getting back with him?"

Jungkook choked on his iced coffee at Namjoon's words. Out of the three hyungs he had been around lately, he never expected mature and 24/7 philosophical Namjoon hyung to ask him such a question.

"What the fuck, Joon? I thought we agreed on not talking about this." Yoongi glared at the younger male who shrugged.

"It's been a year, hyung. A whole fucking year. I think it's a good time to think about stuff, don't you agree?"

"No. Because it's not up to us to decide. It's Jungkook. And if he needs more time, then so be it. If that asshole loves Jungkook enough, he'll have the decency to wait."

"I agree with Yoongi, Joon. We shouldn't stick our noses in other's business especially Jungkook's." Seokjin said as he patted Namjoon's thigh. The green-haired male sighed and nodded, giving up on the topic.

The entire time, Jungkook had been quiet. He was thinking about what Namjoon had said. It was close to a year since he and Jimin decided on separation. Time had done him good and he has forgotten about everything. Well, not everything, because his feelings for Jimin were unwavering and they were still strong, making his heart race when he thought of the shorter male.

Maybe, Jungkook thought, it's finally time.


Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok were at a diner having lunch. After an intense dance practice with the two older teaching Taehyung a new choreography, the three were exhausted and hungry. Hoseok had suggested their usual diner and then return to their homes to rest.

As Jimin popped a fry in his mouth, Taehyung spoke up. "Do you ever wonder how Jungkook's doing, Jiminnie?"

Jimin's eyes widened and Hoseok spat his coke out. The oldest smacked his boyfriend and looked at Jimin apologetically. "Tae! We agreed to not talk about him!"

"Ow, hyung," Taehyung pouted at his boyfriend as he rubbed the spot on his arm where the older smacked. "It's been a year. Surely that's enough time?"

The oldest just glared at his boyfriend. Jimin sighed and looked at his two friends. He had to admit. It was kind of irking him that he needed to meet with Jungkook. The past year had done him good. He's been making up for his mistakes: switching to a different department so he wouldn't have to meet clients outside of work hours, quitting his drinking habit as well as realising how much he actually loved Jungkook and also the guilt that ate him on how he had hurt his lover.

Maybe it was time, Jimin thought. But then again, he couldn't just approach his lover just like that. Could he?


The five friends finally met up together after such a long time. It had been difficult to meet together when their two other friends were in the middle of separation. So they decided it was best for them to do the same so they could cheer up their friends.

"Yoongi hyung~" Taehyung sing-songed as he ran ahead and hugged the grey-haired male. Though the couple and Yoongi had separated, they were still close friends. Yoongi didn't mind as well since he had found a new boyfriend.

"Hello, Tae." Yoongi laughed as the younger clutched onto his arm and bounced in excitement.

Greetings were exchanged and they entered the restaurant. As the five friends waited for their food to arrive, they started to touch on the topic of Jimin and Jungkook.

"It's been a year." Namjoon stated. The others glanced at him and nodded.

"I was hoping they could get back together again! I can tell Jimin hates being around the both of us because he feels like he's third-wheeling." Taehyung pouted and leaned towards Hoseok, who laughed and threw an arm around the younger.

"I think they need the closure," Everyone turned their gazes to Yoongi. "Whether or not they decide to stay together, we can't intrude. We can only support their decision," Yoongi sighed and looked away. "If it were up to me, I would have Jungkook leave him. But then again, it's not my decision. He's not a baby anymore."

The rest nodded. When Jungkook and Jimin started dating years back and Jungkook joined their circle, everyone thought of him as a baby. Since he was the youngest, everyone coddled and made sure to spoil him in every way possible. They made the harder decisions for him and made sure he had an easy life. But now, years have passed and the youngest had grown. The others had to admit, he had matured and they couldn't spoil him as much anymore. He needed to be independent, make his own decisions.

"Well, I have a plan." Seokjin stated.

The others perked up and sat closer, listening as Seokjin laid out his plan of having Jimin and Jungkook meet together by 'accident'.

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