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"Come on, hyung~" Taehyung whined as he held onto Jimin's arm, lips in a pout while he tried to convince Jimin to follow him and Hoseok to Namjoon's birthday party for Seokjin.

The two were at Jimin and Jungkook's apartment. Taehyung had arrived earlier on with the excuse of wanting to spend time with his best friend. However, almost four hours later, when Jimin got up and mentioned dinner, Taehyung jumped to his feet and talked about Seokjin's birthday and the party Namjoon had planned.

"Tae, no.."

Taehyung pouted and nudged Jimin. "Why?" Jimin sighed. His best friend was still like a child. Though they were in their late twenties, the younger was as how he was when Jimin first met him on the first day of preschool.

"Just.. No, Tae.." Jimin ran a hand and watched as his best friend let go of his arm and crossed his own, huffing.

"Are you afraid you'll meet Jungkook?" The older gasped and Taehyung smirked, knowing he had pushed the right button. "Is that really why you don't want to go? I mean, it's Seokjin hyung's birthday and it's been a year since you've met or seen him. Hyung and the others probably miss you like crazy!"

Jimin sighed and made his way towards the kitchen, pulling out a container of precooked noodles from the fridge. "I don't want to go, Tae. Stop making me."

"But.. Jiminnie.."

"Tae.. Please.." Taehyung gave up as he heard Jimin's broken voice. Maybe Hoseok should have been the one to talk to Jimin, he thought.


An hour and a half later, Taehyung was sitting triumphantly in the passenger seat at the front and a sulking Jimin at the back with Hoseok driving the three of them to Namjoon and Seokjin's house. It had taken only a stern look from Hoseok (which was rare) and a phone call from Namjoon for Jimin to agree on getting changed and joining his friends at the party.

Hoseok parked at the side of the road as they neared Namjoon and Seokjin's house. The three friends filed out of the car, presents in hand, and walked towards the warm-looking house. It was a small-ish house with a flower garden in the front and a yard at the back. It was a simple and aesthetic looking house, thanks to Yoongi who had designed it.

Jimin lurked behind the couple as they talked animatedly about each other's presents for Seokjin. He just wasn't in the mood for the party and knowing that Jungkook was going as well didn't make things easier for him. He was still thinking on how to approach the younger and it was highly likely that the younger still needed more time.

"Hey! You guys came!" The door opened to a grinning Namjoon and a college-style party. "And you brought Jimin!"

The younger managed a smile as he was being squeezed tightly into a hug by his hyung as his two other friends stood beside him with a 'we told you so' look. As Namjoon released his hold on the younger and ushered them all to enter, Jimin was in awe. He knew about Namjoon and Seokjin's new home but he's never entered it until now. The separation had changed a lot of things and Jimin hoped that it was for the better.

"Taehyung! Hoseok! You guys came!" Seokjin came over and gave both boys a bone-crushing hug. After all, he was the mother of their little group and he could never forego the warm hugs.

"Jiminnie! I missed you!" Jimin smiled and held onto Seokjin as the older came and hugged him tight. "Now that everyone's here, we should really start celebrating! Come on!"

As Jimin follows his friends through the crowd, his eyes couldn't help but wander around the room, searching for a specific raven-haired male. Room after room they pass by, they were filled with people, drinking from red cups, dancing, and fooling around. It basically looked like a college party with a group in a corner playing spin the bottle, another playing beer pong and so much more. Music was blasting and Jimin was pretty sure the neighbours would call the police on them.

"Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung shouted and jumped onto the grey haired male, alerting him and his partner.

"Tae.." Yoongi muttered in warning as the red head shuffled off his hyung. The other male beside Yoongi laughed and patted the red head in greeting. It was Youngjae, Yoongi's new boyfriend.

The others laughed at the current youngest childish actions as Namjoon proceeded to pass each person a can of beer. As Taehyung was a lightweight, everyone restricted the younger to only one can and all the red head male could do was pout and bat his eyelashes at his husband for help.

"Aww, baby. You know you have low tolerance."

"But you all are drinking."

Taehyung continued to pout and the others felt kind of bad. Seokjin was about to mention that it's okay if he drank more when Hoseok sighed and leaned forward to whisper something into his husband's ear. The rest looked away and conversed among one another when they noticed whatever Hoseok said had caused Taehyung to blush and nod while Hoseok smirked.

The two sneaked off with the rest pretending to not notice. Jimin sighed and walked away from his friends, face contorting in disgust as he watched a couple getting it on at a corner like rabbits. Turning away, he gagged and tried to find a suitable and clean place to sit until either the party ended or everyone is drunk off their asses and the music has died down.

Jimin had to stumble a couple of times and got grinded on while he passed through the crowd in the middle of the room before he finally got seated on an armchair. Sipping on the bitter drink that was handed to him, he tried to get comfortable and started watching the beer pong game on the opposite side of the room.

Somewhere along, he found himself getting up and throwing his can in a bin. He then decided to head upstairs, which was limited to the seven friends, for some peace and quiet. He didn't like parties. In fact, he never attended them since the first one that Taehyung had took him out to during their college days.

"Who's there?"

Jimin shook himself out of his thoughts and realized that he had opened a room door. A deep and familiar voice came out and it haunted Jimin.

"I said, who's there? The upstairs is not opened for drunk asses."

That stopped Jimin's heart. He remembered that voice. Deep with a tinge of childish in it. God, had Jimin missed that voice.

Without a word, he slipped into the room and closed the door, locking it behind him. He heard shuffling on the bed as he made his way over, smiling shyly at the young boy in front of him. "Hello, Jungkook."

"J-Jimin hyung?"

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