Log Entry 002

112 15 1

User: Jason Hawthorn
ID: 93674XZ935
Location: Private Quarters
Date: 2107/08/03
Log Entry: 002
Terminal ID: 17

Today was interesting, but exhausting.  The orientation turned out not to be so boring after all, but informative. Seems like the guys back on Earth are a bit outdated. Maybe I should raise that point. Then again, that's not really up to me. Or why I'm here.

I think I'm just going to hit the sack. Still woozy from the stasis pods on board the Adrasteia. Something to do with my metabolism.

Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day, by the look of things. I just received my first data burst. And what a data burst it was. I probably spent about an hour just sifting through all the info. It contained everything from facility maps, to work schedules and even eating and resting schedules. Things are pretty strict around here by the look of things. Though we do receive ample leisure time. But more on that in another entry log.

Dinner was, interesting to say the least. Artificial protein is pure bile on a plate. Definitely a taste that needs to be acquired. The veggies from the hydroponics bay wasn't too bad. Lacks a bit of its natural flavour though.

Right, that's me for the day. Will check in in the morning again.


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