Log Entry 003 - Supplementary

93 13 2

User: Jason Hawthorn
ID: 93674XZ935
Location: Portable Device
Date: 2107/08/24
Log Entry: 003 - Supplementary
Terminal ID: POT47

It literally took me forty five minutes to get to breakfast. This place is so damn confusing. Yeah, I had my map open on my POT, but still. So many doors and corridors. I guess that is to be expected from a place like this.

I found breakfast and to my sheer horror, bacon, eggs and oats. Or should I rather say, protein, artificial lab grown eggs and slop. Man, what can I say? Some serious adjusting to do. And the scary part is, people seem to be enjoying this stuff. Though I was warned about this.

I just bumped into one of the guys I saw at the medi-station last night. He too is still complaining about his lingering headache. Interesting enough, he also has not experienced something like it before.

Now, to find my way to the lab. I hope it's easier than it was finding breakfast.


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