Log Entry 009

83 13 0

User: Jason Hawthorn
ID: 93674XZ935
Location: Private Quarters
Date: 2107/08/05
Log Entry: 009
Terminal ID: 17

I'm in my quarters and ready to turn in. Dinner with Liza was good. Well, the company at least, the dinner itself, not so much.

Something interesting, Liza and I were talking about our days and experience here in Noxis-II sofar. She was assigned to the nuclear fusion reactor and started her training today. She has a degree in nuclear physics and she said, she has never seen a reactor wired and set up the way that this one is. That it's more patch and repair than machine. That's somewhat concerning, isn't it?

And why do I keep on asking questions in these entries? It's not like anybody is going to answer me.

I heard today that we are scheduled to receive an incoming data burst from Earth in two days. Hopefully there's something for me in there. And I'm supposed to prepare a message for the outgoing data burst. I will be preparing one for my sister. I miss her. The worst part, is when I saw her last, she was in her early thirties. Now she's in her mid fifties. And for me, that was two months ago.


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