Log Entry 003

95 14 0

User: Jason Hawthorn
ID: 93674XZ935
Location: Private Quarters
Date: 2107/08/04
Log Entry: 003
Terminal ID: 17

I have been awake for about an hour now. The headache is better, though still lingering. What the hell was that about anyway? I've never experienced something like that before. Maybe I should head back to the medi-station to check it out. Then again, I don't want to come across as a wuss, being the new guy and all.

Heading to breakfast now. Please let it be better than the so called 'food' we got last night. I don't know for how long I can stomach that crap anymore. (Yeah, after one meal. That's how bad it is.)

The uniform looks quite nifty. Though it feels abit tight. And white. Not sure how long it's going to stay that way though. White is probably the worst colour to wear when working.

Let me get to breakfast and see what they are giving us. Fingers crossed.


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