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The first week of training was simple and even sort of fun. Janet was put into a group with Jay and they really seemed to hit it off. Tony and Janet were immediately bonded over their shared love for John Waters films.

The last week of training went from 5:30pm til 1am. The last week was easy and it was clear that Doug was going to be graduating everyone. The hard part wasn't getting on the sales floor, the hard part was keeping your job once hired.

   On the last night of training, Jay, Tony and Janet all decided to rush to the bar together before last call and down as many drinks as they could. Jay tried to call Kyle to see if he wanted to tag along, but Kyle didn't answer.

    The three of them sat at bar together, following shots with other shots. It was well before last call and they were all pretty toasted. Tony pulled out a joint and they followed him on the the back patio.

"Yo, I got to get out of here." Tony said. "I wanted to come out back because my x Girls husbands here."

"You guys on bad terms?" Jay asked.

"Nah. Not really." Tony said. "Look, I was with this girl when my parents died when I was only fourteen. We dated from the time I was fourteen to the time I was 24 and we were married and shit-"

"You were married, Tony?" Janet asked. "I didn't know that."

"Hell yeah." We were married for six years. And so anyway, I wanted to have a kid, you know? I've always wanted a little dude. But she didn't wanna.

Anyway. One thing lead to another and she told me she wasn't ready to be so serious. So anyway, she meets that pecker head inside, they're not even dating three months and she's pregnant and now they got two kids together- like crazy shit."

"Damn." Jay said.

"I'm sorry, Tony." Janet offered sympathetically.

"Nah, it's alright. I'm cool. I'm just a little tipsy and I don't want any awkward reunions, so I'm out, alright?" Tony said.

Janet stayed to have two more cigarettes with Jay after Tony left.
Their conversation consisted mostly of Game of Thrones and the upcoming Nintendo Switch. Janet expressed her life long love for Zelda as Jay confessed his love for Anime.

Last call had come and both of them were feeling okay to drive so Jay walked Janet to her car. There was a small awkward pause when they hugged, as if there could have been a kiss, but alas it was a hug and an exchange of numbers.

When Jay got home, he passed out on the couch. He assumed Kyle was already long asleep so he was surprised to be awoken by the sounds of Kyle coming home around 4am. Jay didn't speak to him, he continued to pretend to be sleeping.

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