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Janet seemed different, in a good way, Jay thought as she sat next to him on the backyard patio, holding his jacket and laughing loudly at the funny, drunken things that would come out of her fathers mouth at Janet's parents house. It was the perfect fall day for a backyard BBQ and Jay found himself fitting right in with Janet's family.

Janet's mother was just as beautiful as she was and her father was this former, macho, high school heart throb. They seemed to immediately approve of Jay and things between he and Janet began to progress warmly.

Janet had been sleeping in the guest room at her parents until she found a new spot to move into. Janet's mother had mentioned something about Janet having awful nightmares the first couple nights of Janet staying with them that have since subsided.

Jay had still been having the occasional night terror with strange visuals that never seemed to make sense in the mornings. Jay took note of this similarity between he and Janet but never spoke about his own nightmares with her. Janet quickly began to become the center of Jays world.

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